Chapter 1192 Aroma Source 12
There is not so much time in life to regret, what you choose, what you decide to do, just stick to it! "Ye Rumu bit her lip firmly, yes, if you choose the path, don't regret it.

The three went out smoothly, and soon found the dean and others waiting outside the forest.

Mu Daoyu came up and asked with concern: "Are you all okay?"

Ye Rumu shook his head, "We're fine, Dean, time is running out, we should go."

Ye Rumu said with a smile, and pulled Baili Yao away.

Qing Jue consciously followed.

Ye Rumu did this because he was worried that Mu Daoyu would ask them if they had found the source of the fragrance, so he couldn't tell, he just avoided it!

I don't know if it's the calm before the storm or what, the journey is unexpected, and there is no danger?
I heard about the danger inside when I was outside, and I encountered it once, but that time, people from the Shangguan family replaced them. Since then, it can be said that there is no great danger, Xiao All have been resolved.

However, even so, everyone did not relax their vigilance.

"Dean, let everyone put away the things they got in the secret realm." Ye Rumu said quickly when he saw that he was approaching the entrance.

"Why? Sister Rumu, these things are an honor. Let those who look down on our Twilight Academy see how good things we got!" Mu San said unwillingly.

Ye Rumu saw that the sword in Mu San's hand was a good sword, so since it was a good sword, there were many people who wanted it!
"Sister Rumu, I don't quite understand why you want to hide it?" Muyan frowned.

The same is true for Mu Daoyu, he really wants Twilight Academy to be famous in the entire world of cultivating immortals again, so he doesn't want to hide this kind of thing that can bring glory to the academy!
"Everyone listen to me, there are too many people who have entered the secret realm, and there must not be many people alive. If only the people from our Twilight Academy are unscathed and come back with treasures, dangling in front of them, If it were you, what would happen if you saw it?" Ye Rumu scanned the crowd and asked.

"Then he will want the other party's treasure." Mu San said honestly, indeed, if he didn't have it, and if others had it, he would want the other party's treasure!

"That's right, I want the other party's treasures, that is to say, if others see that we have these, they will definitely want them, but the treasures have already been recognized, what will we do?" Ye Rumu looked at the crowd, hoping that they would Don't ignore everything just because the Twilight Academy is getting better now.

"Ru Mu, I already understand what you mean. Others will steal our things, right?" Mu Daoyu asked.

Ye Rumu nodded, "That's right, that's what I meant. I was worried that you wouldn't understand if I just said that they would rob me, so I said so much on purpose."

"Okay, put it away, the tree attracts the wind, and the wealth will not be exposed." Baili Yao also spoke.

Everyone put away their things one after another, or put them in Mu Daoyu's storage bag, or put them in Ye Rumuna.

After putting the things away, everyone in the Twilight Academy suddenly became like a person who had nothing to gain.

"Ahem, you can't be too happy on your face! If you really get nothing in the secret realm, can you really laugh?"

(End of this chapter)

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