Chapter 1193 Did You Get Nothing 1
Mu Daoyu couldn't help reminding.

Having said that, everyone's originally happy expressions suddenly became depressed.

Mu Daoyu: "..."

Well, it's better than an excited look!

After making preparations, they gathered at the entrance of the secret realm as Ling Feiyu had ordered before.

There were already quite a few people waiting there. After looking around, people from almost every faction had returned. It was only because there were fewer people that there was a feeling that there were not enough people.

Those weapons that have been known by Beiming College, Ximen Family, and Shangguan Family have not been put away, but there is nothing on other things!

Judging from their food and the current situation of Twilight Academy, many people think that Twilight Academy is too poor to use storage bags, so naturally they can't put away their things!
Then the only possibility is that the people of the Twilight Academy have nothing but weapons!
Seeing that they were in a bit of a panic, but no one was injured, it can be seen that these cowards must not have gone far!
"Yo, who is this lady? So it's those mobs from the Twilight Academy? Why? Except for weapons, there is nothing left? Hahaha, this lady just said, just relying on you, how could there be any good Opportunity?" Shangguan Gu'er laughed sarcastically when he saw their helpless appearance.

Inadvertently glanced at the iron claws on Ye Rumu's shoulders, his expression changed, and then he began to sneer, "Hehe, you are so pitiful, you pick up things that I don't even care about, and let this lady What can I say about you? Oh, that’s right, where do you have any chance in this secret realm? You must grab a weapon as soon as you see it!”

Shangguan Gu'er's words attracted everyone's attention and bursts of laughter.

Ye Rumu looked at Shangguan Gu'er calmly. What Shangguan Gu'er said was referring to the iron claws on her shoulders, right?
"Yeah, so I don't know if Miss Shangguan has any good opportunities in the secret realm?" Ye Rumu asked Shangguan Gu'er humbly, as if she wanted to see something.

The others also looked at Shangguan Gu'er, hoping that she would come up with something good to open their eyes.

The good things in the secret realm are nothing more than weapons, panaceas, or magic weapons.

Shangguan Gu'er smiled triumphantly and took out a porcelain bottle.

Shangguan Gu'er opened it, and poured out a snow-white and crystal-clear elixir, "Look, everyone, this is the Ascension Pill! As we all know, there are certain dangers when ascending to the Holy Spirit, but as long as you take the Ascension Pill, it is 100 % of them can successfully advance to the realm of the Holy Spirit!"

Shangguan Gu'er was very proud, waiting for others to praise her.

There are quite a few people who praised it, but after the envy passed, some people also questioned it.

"I heard that Shengling Pill has some side effects. After taking Shengling Pill, the speed of cultivation will be a little slower than those who have been promoted smoothly. Is it true?"

"I've heard from the elders that it seems to be true."


Everyone started talking about Shengling Pill.

Shangguan Gu'er bit his lips, and said displeasedly: "How many people can be promoted to the Holy Spirit? How can you be dissatisfied with the Ascension Pill to send you to the Holy Spirit realm? Could it be that you still want to cultivate to the gods? ?”

"It makes sense. Once you reach the Holy Spirit, you can live tens of thousands of years longer!"

(End of this chapter)

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