Chapter 1221 Unreliable old man 9
Ye Rumu was even more curious about how advanced Rosemary's alchemy was.

Li Yuan doesn't seem like a big talker, so she said that Rosemary's alchemy is very good, so it shouldn't be a lie!
Ye Rumu doesn't reject everything in her previous life like other people do, she thinks that's her too, how can she reject herself?

"Mother, shall we just leave the dean alone like this?" Although Ye Xiaoye asked like this, there was no sign of worrying about Mu Daoyu in his tone.

Ye Rumu couldn't help laughing out loud, nodded and said, "It's okay, Mr. Dean can handle it well."

Ye Xiaoye was waiting for this sentence, "Then should we have dinner?"

Ye Xiaoye looked at Ye Rumu seriously, with anticipation on his face, nothing is as important as eating!

Ye Rumu frowned, always felt that Ye Xiaoye ate too much during this period, but Ye Xiaoye always said that he was hungry, so Ye Rumu couldn't help but give him food!
"Okay, let's go, but we have to wait for the principal to bring the three masters here." Ye Rumu thought for a while and said.

It's impolite for others to be guests and can't bear to eat!

Ye Xiaoye nodded, and agreed, but what he regrets now is that he slipped out... If he knew it, he would have dragged his mother and the three new masters to dinner...

Fortunately, those three ate a lot of unpalatable food in the mountains, and they didn't have time to taste the delicious food on the way. After arriving at the Twilight Academy, they really wanted to eat!
So, I went to find the kitchen on my own, and it can be seen how skilled I am in the matter of where the kitchen is!
Naturally, Yuanfa would not treat him badly, and the chefs he brought were all top-notch chefs. After the three Jin brothers had a meal, they wanted to stay in the Twilight Academy completely!
But it's just talking like that, they won't stay outside for too long.

After knowing the origin of the chef, Jin Xingxian kept staring at Yuanfa, causing Yuanfa to panic, wondering if he did something wrong?

After eating, everyone dispersed, but Yuanfa, who had been stared at by the three Jin brothers in turn, did not dare to leave.

Yuan Fa carefully looked at the three Jin brothers, and asked cautiously: "Seniors, I don't know... Is there something the younger generation did that made you dissatisfied?"

Jin Shining shook her head hastily, "How could that be! We are very satisfied with you."

"Then...why do you keep staring at me like this?" Yuan Fa was puzzled, since he wasn't dissatisfied with him, why did he keep staring at himself like this?

"Young man, are you interested in going back with us old men?" Jin Duoduo glanced at Jin Xingxuan and Jin Zhenzhen, and asked Yuanfa with a smile.

"Ah?" Yuan was stunned for a moment, not understanding what was going on, and asked weakly, "Go back? Where are you going back?"

"Oh, just go back to the mountains with us! Don't worry, we can also teach you how to practice, and after you follow us, you can practice faster!" Jin Duoduo vowed.

Yuanfa's eyes lit up. The reason why these seniors looked at him like this throughout the meal was because his talent was so good that these seniors fell in love with him?

"Senior, why?" Although Yuan Fa had guessed in his heart, he still asked why with a shy smile.

"Young man, you are very talented! Don't ask why,

(End of this chapter)

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