Chapter 1222 Unreliable old man 10
If you are willing to come, we will definitely teach you well. Of course, it would be even better if you can bring this chef along! "Jin Zhenzhen said earnestly, and patted Yuanfa on the shoulder after speaking.

Yuanfa hesitated for a moment, and said, "Yes! I'll send another person to Twilight College to cook!"

Jin Zhenzhen glared at the others triumphantly, to see, he was the quickest mover!
"Hahaha, then it's settled, let's go and prepare your luggage!" Jin Xingxiong was worried that he would run away, and while staring at Jin Zhenzhen, she told Yuanfa to pack her luggage in a hurry.

Yuanfa was very happy in his heart, he never thought that he would be appreciated like this!
And he also knows that many people will leave with these seniors, and the number of people in the Twilight Academy will definitely decrease by then... Originally, he didn't want to leave, but if there is a better opportunity, I believe the dean will definitely not would disagree!
Yuanfa didn't go to pack things at the first time, but went to find the dean, wanting to find out the dean's bottom line!

If the dean disagrees, he can stay in Twilight Academy!
Surprisingly, Mu Daoyu agreed without hesitation, and told him that Twilight Academy can come back at any time!
Yuanfa was very moved, he decided to protect the Twilight Academy in the future!

This matter was settled in this way, and the three Jin brothers also temporarily lived in the Twilight Academy.

The three of them didn't mention when they would leave. The behavior of the three of them coming to the Twilight Academy should be very secretive. At least until now, no one has discovered that they appeared in the Twilight Academy. Therefore, stay a few more days in the Twilight Academy. Days are also possible.

Thinking about it this way, the three Jin brothers don't even want to leave. Anyway, no outsiders know they are here. The days back to the mountains can be said to be boring. There is no one else in the mountains. It is not easy to see so many people in the Twilight Academy That's right, a few old urchins beat up all the disciples of the Twilight Academy!
Many people complained to Mu Daoyu, asking when these weird old men could leave!
It's a pity that even if the three Jin brothers don't want to go anymore, they still know it's time to go!

Outside, there are countless people staring at them. If people find out that they have come to the Twilight Academy, the consequences can be imagined!

Those people have been looking for them to make alchemy, and if they don't agree, they will use other means to the extreme, so in order not to implicate the Twilight Academy, the three Jin brothers will not stay for too long!

On this day, Ye Rumu, who originally thought that the three Jin brothers hadn't played enough, suddenly got news that the three Jin brothers were going back.

Get them ready.

Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows. After thinking about it, the three Jin brothers have stayed at the Twilight Academy for five days, and they suddenly proposed to go back. Is there something wrong?

Although Ye Rumu thought so, he had no objection to following the three Jin brothers. After notifying the others, he took the package he had prepared and followed the three Jin brothers to the west.

The people Ye Rumu brought from Tianyu, together with the cooks from Yuanfa and Yuanfa, the group's mighty walk still attracted a lot of attention.

Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows. Who would have thought that the three Jin brothers would like to live in the west?However, it doesn't matter what direction you like to live in.

Along the way, the three Jin brothers all greeted Ye Rumu Hanxu warmly, which made Ye Rumu flattered!
(End of this chapter)

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