Chapter 1228 Warm Snow Valley 4
After living here, can I learn more or less secretly?

The three old men felt the feeling of being valued again, and they were a little light-headed.

Along the way, watching the scenery while following the three brothers back to the residence, it is also pleasant!

"It's here!" Jin Zhenzhen said suddenly.

Jin Zhenzhen's voice called everyone's attention back, and when they looked together, they saw a three-story exquisite small building!

Even Ye Rumu, a modern person who is used to seeing modern high-rise buildings and big summers, was stunned!

Seen from this place, some of the buildings are covered by snow, especially like modern buildings!
As a result, when I walked in and took a look, I found that they were all piled up with blue bricks and stone tiles!
I have been here for so long in ancient times, and I have only seen small second-floor attics where other people live. Those restaurants and the like can be very tall, and the third floor is very similar to modern small buildings... This is the first time Ye Rumu has seen it. arrive!
If it weren't for the fact that they didn't see a trace of modern details from them, Ye Rumu would have wondered if they also came from time travel?
It's not that she thinks too much, but she always feels that she is not the only one who travels through time, so it's not surprising that there will be hidden people around her, right?

Everyone was worried that there would be no place to live, but after seeing this house, they were no longer worried.

After each selected the room, they started to visit the house.

From the outside, there is no yard inside, but after walking in, you will find that there is a big yard inside!

The sloping roof is used above the head, so that the snow can fall by itself, and the roof above the yard is actually transparent glass!
Ye Rumu shook his head with his tut, this really belongs to the landlord class!

Local tycoon!

Actually use colored glaze as the roof!
However, looking at the things in each room, you can tell that they are all worth a lot. The three old men are very rich!

Although there are not many things, but because it is a new stay, I feel very good.

After returning, the three old men couldn't wait to ask the chef from Yuanfa to cook.

The chef has a good temper and doesn't mind being enslaved to cook after a long journey. It's his honor to come to this kind of place and get in touch with these legendary characters!
After eating, the three Jin brothers asked others to go to other places to look around, and they were going to take Ye Rumu to the alchemy room.


Behind him came Cang Yuan's cautious voice.

Ye Rumu turned back and asked, "Cang Yuan? What's wrong?"

Cang Yuan bit his lip, "I'm also interested in alchemy, can I go and have a look with you?"

Ye Rumu didn't agree immediately, but looked at the three Jin brothers. After all, it was their alchemy room, and she didn't have the right to agree to others without permission.

Since Ye Rumu wanted to learn alchemy, he also read a lot of rules about this industry, that is, whether he was a direct disciple or not, he would generally not take others to a private alchemy room.

The three Jin brothers look at me, I look at you, and then look at Ye Rumu. This seems to be Tuer's friend. It's not good to refuse, and it's not good not to refuse!
Ye Rumu turned her head silently, did she want to throw the burden on her?

Seeing that Ye Rumu ignored Ye Rumu, the three brothers of the Jin family immediately fought among themselves.

You stare at me, I stare at you, but they are actually talking with their private tacit understanding...

In the end, Jin Shining shook his head resignedly, stood up and said: "Little girl, you are not our direct disciple, everything in the alchemy room is our life's painstaking effort, nothing can be seen by "

"Senior... I know..."

(End of this chapter)

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