Chapter 1229 Warm Snow Valley 5
Cang Yuan said understandingly that although she felt a little regretful, she was not someone who insisted on seeing it unreasonably.

Because of Cang Yuan's concession, he has a great affection for Cang Yuan.

Jin Zhenzhen almost wanted Cang Yuan to worship him as a teacher, but after testing Cang Yuan's spiritual power, he immediately gave up. Cang Yuan is not suitable for alchemy, and his mental power is not known for what is going on, it is actually damaged by nature !
Jin Zhenzhen thought for a while, hesitated and didn't know how to tell Cang Yuan, and glanced at Jin Duoduo and Jin Shining, motioning them to look at Cang Yuan's spiritual power.

After seeing Cang Yuan's mental power, Jin Duoduo and Jin Xingshan also showed a look of astonishment!
Cang Yuan blinked and asked, " you have any questions?"

Jin Xingxian didn't think too much, and asked directly: "Little girl, why is your mental power naturally damaged?"

Cang Yuan was startled when he heard this, not to mention Cang Yuan, even the others were surprised.

Born damaged?

"Born damaged? I don't know... I just know that my mental power is not strong, but no one has ever said that my mental power is damaged." Cang Yuan shook her head, she really didn't know.

"People who are born with impaired mental power have no chance of alchemy in their entire lives! My child, I thought you were a nice person and wanted to teach you alchemy, but if I really teach you, I will harm you!" Jin Zhenzhen I have to tell this cruel truth to prevent Cang Yuan from learning alchemy in a place where he can't see it.

Cang Yuan was stunned, obviously he didn't expect it to be like this?

Finally, after a moment of silence, he replied: "I was only interested in alchemy at first... If this is the case, then I have no choice but to give up alchemy..." Cang Yuan sighed, it seems that many things are destined to be good, right?

Jin Zhenzhen shook his head, the comfort was too pale, so he simply didn't mention it, "Teacher, let's go."

Ye Rumu frowned, watching Cang Yuan trying to show that she didn't think it mattered, but Qingqian saw helplessness and sadness through her smile!
"Cang Yuan, don't be too sad." After thinking for a while, Ye Rumu could only say this, sighed, and followed the three Jin brothers.

On the way, Ye Rumu asked the three Jin brothers persistently, "Masters, is there any way to cure Cang Yuan's mental power problem?"

"If it is an acquired injury, we old men may still be cured, but if it is congenital, then there is no way! Immortals may have a way to cure the disease brought out from the mother's womb, but we old men, still In the eyes of the gods, they are just like those who have just cultivated!" Jin Zhenzhen shook his head.

Ye Rumu nodded, expressing his understanding, "Is there any impact on Cang Yuan besides not being able to make alchemy?"

"You can't use mental power too much! Alchemy can only be done by using strong mental power. Apart from not being able to use mental power, there is nothing to avoid."

It doesn't matter if you don't use spiritual power for daily use of spiritual power, so you just need to remind Cang Yuan not to use spiritual power, and that's fine!

But there is an emergency in everything. If there is an emergency, Ye Rumu believes that Cang Yuan will definitely use his mental power, so he asked one more question, "If you accidentally use your mental power, there will be What consequences?"

(End of this chapter)

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