Chapter 1233 Warm Snow Valley 9
Ye Rumu frowned after hearing this, "Since this is the case, it must be sealed, and you will not be able to use any more mental power in the future! But don't worry, this is not impossible to cure , I will help you find out when I go to the Immortal World in the future!"

"The fairyland...? Will I have a chance to go?" Cang Yuan asked hesitantly, she was not sure, with her talent, she would be able to go to the fairyland in the future.

"Why can't you go?" Ye Rumu looked at Cang Yuan seriously, and said with a wry smile: "Actually, I'm not sure whether everyone and I can go to the fairyland, but I haven't always said so firmly that we will go to the fairyland in the future." People, if you have some goals, and Qing Jue is also going to the fairy world, do you want to follow in his footsteps?"

When it comes to Qing Jue, Cang Yuan immediately has confidence!

"Okay, Sister Rumu, I understand! Seniors, do you have time to help me seal up my spiritual power?" Cang Yuan asked again, since it can't be used and there are serious consequences, then seal it up directly Bar!

"Yes, let's go, I'll take you there." Ye Rumu pulled Cang Yuan up.

Cang Yuan is a little scared, but he also knows that spiritual power is optional, but in the future, he will not be able to use spiritual power to detect the depth of other people's spiritual power, and whether there is any danger around him.

"Don't worry, Qingjue is a careful person, he will take good care of you." Ye Rumu comforted.

Cang Yuan blushed a little, but still nodded, I hope.

Ye Rumu opened the door, raised his eyebrows, and unexpectedly saw Qing Jue's figure at the door, Qing Jue was standing not far away, with his back to Ye Rumu and Cang Yuan, I don't know how long he had been standing there .

"He's here." Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows, stepped aside, and let Cang Yuan come out.

When Cang Yuan saw someone, his face seemed to be congested with blood, reaching the base of his neck.

Qing Jue turned around when she heard the movement, and naturally went to Cang Yuan's side to hold her hand, as naturally as a couple who have been together for many years.

All Cang Yuan's original hesitation was gone!

"I'm about to take Cang Yuan to some masters to seal up my spiritual power." Ye Rumu spoke first.

Qing Jue frowned and asked, "Does it have to be sealed?"

"That's right, you must seal it. If you don't seal things like mental power, you will naturally want to use it. However, Cang Yuan's mental power is inherently damaged, so it is limited and cannot be used frequently. Otherwise... Believe in the consequences , you also understand." Ye Rumu explained.

"My lord, I'm sorry to trouble you." Qing Jue said.

Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows, "Qing Jue, when have we been so polite? Besides, Cang Yuan is your woman, so it's right to help her."

When Cang Yuan heard it, his face became even more red, especially when it was mentioned that she was a Qingjue woman, Qingjue did not deny it!

"Okay, don't blush, come with me! Qingjue, come together?" Ye Rumu looked at Qingjue.

Qing Jue didn't nod or shake his head, but followed silently.

Qing Jue and Cang Yuan held hands, Ye Rumu felt for the first time that he was someone else's light bulb!
Shaking his head helplessly, he still quickly took Cang Yuan to find the three brothers.

The three Jin brothers did not allow Cang Yuan and other outsiders to go to their alchemy room, so they arranged for other rooms. When they arrived, they saw the three Jin brothers crossing their legs and closing their eyes.

I thought I was cultivating, but I waited for Ye Rumu to
(End of this chapter)

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