Chapter 1234 Warm Snow Valley 10
As a result, Ye Rumu opened his eyes as soon as he opened the door and walked in.

Ye Rumu blinked and asked, "Aren't you practicing?"

"Who's practicing now? We're just resting after arguing and getting tired!" Jin Duoduo said without blushing.

Ye Rumu: "..." Is that okay?

"Did you bring him?" Jin Duoduo also stood up and asked.

Ye Rumu nodded, "Bring it."

The three Jin brothers looked at each other, Jin Zhenzhen said: "Teacher, you stay and study, as for this Qing, Qing, Qing Jue, right? Go out and wait."

With Ye Rumu here, Qing Jue felt relieved, so he didn't hesitate much, and after taking a deep look at Cang Yuan, Qing Jue went out first.

The three Jin brothers asked Cang Yuan to meditate among them, and then asked Ye Rumu to watch, and then began to cast spells.

Ye Rumu watched carefully, not missing a single bit.

After reading it, I think it seems very simple, but it is not that simple?
"Teacher, do you see clearly?" Jin Zhenzhen asked.

Ye Rumu nodded, "It's clear, but I don't quite understand."

"It's okay, I'll teach you in a few days, you should memorize the alchemy book for me first!" Jin Zhenzhen said with pouted lips.

Ye Rumu nodded, knowing that he couldn't concentrate on learning too much now, otherwise his cultivation would fall behind.

And if you want to go to the fairy world, you can't lose your spiritual power!

Cang Yuan slowly opened her eyes. In the process of casting the spell just now, besides being unable to open her eyes, it was the first time she could feel the world so clearly with her spiritual power!

It's a pity that there is only one chance, and you won't be able to use your mental power in the future!

"Girl, mental power is dispensable for those who don't practice alchemy. You don't have to think too much about it. In fact, it's better to use spiritual power to detect danger. After you recover, we will teach you How do you use spiritual power to perceive everything around you!" Jin Duoduo seemed to feel Cang Yuan's sadness, so he said.

Cang Yuan was a little pleasantly surprised. Actually, after knowing that she had a problem with her mental power, she didn’t think about alchemy or alchemy. She felt that she didn’t even have the ability to detect the dangers around her and check the level of other people’s spiritual power. It was just a bit frustrating. Now After hearing what Jin Duoduo said, she seemed to see hope again!

It's just that I have never heard of someone using spiritual power to detect the surrounding dangers and check other people's spiritual power?
But no matter what, Cang Yuan is willing to give it a try!
"Thank you senior!"

After Cang Yuan's spiritual power was sealed, everyone felt that Cang Yuan's mood was getting better and better. What's the reason?Of course it is Qing Jue who always appears by Cang Yuan's side!
Every time Ye Xiaoye went to Qingjue, he could see Cang Yuan, knowing that he couldn't be a light bulb, so of course he couldn't show up!

Every time Ye Xiaoye saw Ye Rumu, she would complain to Ye Rumu about Qingjue, saying that Qingjue would not want him if he had Cang Yuan!

Ye Rumu expressed his horror, and asked cautiously: ", do you like Qingjue?"


"You want to be with Qingjue?"

Ye Xiaoye: "..."

Alas, we can't talk anymore.

Ye Xiaoye sighed, and left Ye Rumu's room dejectedly.

Afterwards, Ye Rumu didn't care about Cang Yuan and Qing Jue's affairs, he should still practice and endorse.

Fortunately, Ye Rumu's memory is very good, and he can basically remember it after reading it once, so it doesn't seem to be very laborious.

(End of this chapter)

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