Chapter 1236 Warm Snow Valley 12
It seems that they were sleepy and tired from alchemy, so they just slept here!
When Jin Xingxuan said this, Jin Duoduo, Jin Zhenzhen, and Jin Zhenzhen also went to bed.

Ye Rumu was speechless, did he really deserve to be his brother?But there is still alchemy here...

Well, Ye Rumu can only watch as appointed, and when the time is up, call Jin Xingxing up.

One hour is not long or short, but it is extremely easy to pass. Looking through the funnel, it is almost the same time. Ye Rumu hurried to call Jin Shanshan up.

Jin Xingxing got up in a daze, and looked at Ye Rumu blankly, "What are you doing?"

"It can be condensed into a pill." Ye Rumu reminded.

Jin Xingxing gave a nonchalant groan, and wanted to fall down and continue to sleep, but within two seconds, she jumped up, "What did you say?"

Ye Rumu: "..."

Jin Shining immediately got up, ran to the alchemy furnace, looked at it, and judged the time, "It's okay, okay, although it's just a pot of low-level pills, it can't fail after all, it can't be my failure... ...Teacher, hurry up and learn!"

Jin Xingxing called Ye Rumu, and Ye Rumu walked to Jin Xingxing's side, seeing that Jin Xingxing had closed her eyes, it was obvious that her mental power had entered the alchemy furnace.

Ye Rumu also closed his eyes, followed by his mental power, just in time to see Jin Shining's spiritual power kneading the pill little by little, and then it turned into round shapes, and then Jin Sparkling slowly Slowly remove impurities.

The elixirs gradually became round, and under Jin Glittering's operation, each one looked the same size, full and round.

Perhaps, in fact, the size is the same!Here in Jin Xingshan, alchemy is a very rigorous matter, and no mistakes can be tolerated!

After condensing into pills, Jin Xingxing extinguished the fire, lifted the lid of the alchemy furnace, and crystal clear pills appeared in front of Ye Rumu and Jin Xingxing.

Jin Xingxian looked at the finished product in his hands with satisfaction, "Well, I haven't refined this low-level elixir for many years, and the result is pretty good!"

Ye Rumu also took advantage of the situation and boasted: "Yes, yes, Master Jin Xingshan is very powerful, and Master Jin Xingxian is the most powerful."

However, in the next second, Ye Rumu received two pairs of razor-like eyes, "Teacher, who forced you to say those words just now?"

"Teacher, if you have any grievances, just say it. This shameless person knows how to force you to do things you don't like to do and say things you don't like to say!"

"No...Master Jin Duoduo and Master Jin Zhenzhen are also very powerful!" Ye Rumu felt terrible. Aren't these two sleeping?Are feelings always awake?
"Also? Very powerful too? That is to say, I am not as good as Jin Xingxuan?" Jin Duoduo was not convinced.

Jin Zhenzhen was also not convinced, but Jin Duoduo also stimulated Jin Zhenzhen and Jin Duoduo especially.

Ye Rumu felt... It was over, and it was about to start again.

Quietly exit the alchemy room, anyway, it's late enough today, so... it's better to stay away from the battlefield as soon as possible!
Leaving the alchemy room, the first thing to do is to find Ye Xiaoye for dinner. No matter how late it is during this time, Ye Xiaoye and Baili Yao will wait for her, just to have a meal together for the family of three.

Today's harvest is not bad, at least she knows how to make alchemy correctly, but after all, she hasn't tried it, and she doesn't know if she can succeed!
(End of this chapter)

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