Chapter 1237 Chengdan 1
I went to find Ye Xiaoye and Bai Liyao to have dinner together. After eating, the family of three took a walk outside Nuanxue Valley. Nuanxue Valley is beautiful even in the evening. The dim sun shines on the snowdrifts. beautiful.

"Nuanxue Valley is a very suitable place for cultivation. It's quiet and peaceful here." Ye Rumu suddenly said with emotion. Nuanxue Valley is like a legendary paradise.

In fact, there are many places in the world that are quiet and unknown to the world like Nuanxue Valley, but some have been buried, some have been occupied by others, and others, no one knows where they are.

Baili Yao nodded, "Cultivating in Nuanxue Valley will indeed bring a lot of balance to your mentality, and you won't encounter bottlenecks yet, so let's work hard."

Baili Yao stretched out his hand and rubbed Ye Rumu's head, knowing that she has been obsessed with alchemy recently.

Ye Rumu nodded and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I won't give up on cultivation."

Even though he said this, Ye Rumu knew that because he spent too much time studying alchemy recently, his cultivation speed had obviously slowed down!But don't worry, they still have a long, long time!
Baili Yao didn't say anything, he didn't say anything.

Ye Xiaoye looked up at her parents, blinked her big eyes, and said nothing.

The next day, Ye Rumu couldn't wait to make alchemy, so he appeared in the alchemy room early in the morning.

At this time, the three Jin brothers hadn't gotten up yet, Ye Rumu shook his head helplessly, even if he wanted them to be by his side to guide him, there was nothing he could do, anyway, it wasn't the first time to make alchemy, so Ye Rumu started to prepare by himself.

After seeing how Jin Xingxian prepared the medicinal materials yesterday, when Ye Rumu prepared the medicinal herbs needed for Huiqi Pill, he weighed them first, and then weighed them in his hands, trying to remember the weight!
But the dried herbs are really light in weight, and the amount used in one furnace is not much, so Ye Rumu feels like a layer of cotton is placed on his hands...

Thinking of spiritual power, Ye Rumu's eyes lit up, and using spiritual power to feel the herbal medicine seemed... much better than just weighing it!
After memorizing the weight, Ye Rumu continued to do other things. It took half an hour to prepare all the herbs for a simple Huiqi Pill. Although it took a little longer, Ye Rumu had basically memorized it. Weight, but she is still a novice in alchemy, it is better to need standard weight and quantity, and no mistakes can be tolerated!
After she was ready, she used the alchemy furnace that Jin Duoduo gave her to light a fire, and controlled the temperature of the furnace. After the furnace was completed, Ye Rumu put the herbs in the same order.

After putting all the herbs, put the lid on, and you only need to control the heat for the next time!
An hour passed, and Ye Rumu carefully put his spiritual power into the alchemy furnace. At this time, all the herbs were refined into uneven residues, full of impurities.

Ye Rumu carefully blended them one by one, and then removed the impurities. Seeing that the finished product was about to be finished, Ye Rumu was delighted.

It wasn't until the impurities in the last pill were removed that Ye Rumu breathed a sigh of relief!

Excitedly opened the lid, looking at the not-so-good elixir inside, I was still very happy in my heart, at least the elixir had been successfully condensed into a elixir, and the pot was not ruined!

(End of this chapter)

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