Chapter 1241 Promotion 1
Ye Rumu looked back at Baili Yao, because of the backlight, Ye Rumu couldn't see the expression on Baili Yao's face clearly.

Smiled, "Don't worry, when will I force myself?"

Baili Yao pursed his lips, didn't he force himself?

Alchemists do not distinguish between different realms. An alchemist is an alchemist. How capable an alchemist is depends on what kind of pills he can practice. Like the three brothers of the Jin family, they are called masters, and they should be the alchemists in this world. Almost all medicines can be refined!Even if you don't know how to make it, it's just that there is no formula!
From that day on, the three Jin brothers taught Ye Rumu alchemy every morning, and Ye Rumu practiced on his own in the afternoon. Although the speed was a little slower than others, fortunately, it was not too slow.

The days are busy and fulfilling. Day by day, staying in this pure land seems to have forgotten all the disputes outside.

Three years later.

Ye Rumu came out of the alchemy room, stretched, squinted his eyes and yawned, and was about to go back to the room to sleep, when suddenly a figure flew over!

"Mother~" Ye Xiaoye's voice that sounded like a child's but not like it was in the period of voice change.

Ye Rumu stopped and waited for Ye Xiaoye to come over. Three years had passed, and the bear boy from back then had reached her shoulders. In a few years, he would be even taller than her!

"What's wrong?" Ye Rumu touched Ye Xiaoye's head, looking at Ye Xiaoye's face that was getting better and better, Ye Rumu sighed, it's all due to him.

"It's okay, just call me mother." Ye Xiaoye said with a smile, but she was obviously in a beautiful mood.

Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows, "Are you so happy about nothing? Did your uncle Qingjue take you out to play again?"

Ye Rumu squinted her eyes, she couldn't think of anything else that could make this brat so happy unless she was going out to play!

Ye Xiaoye stuck out her tongue, "I went out to play, but mother, don't worry, no one followed us when we came back! Besides, we are not big people, so no one will find us here."

Ye Rumu looked at Ye Xiaoye's face, and said meaningfully: "That's not necessarily true!"

What if a little girl is confused by Ye Xiaoye's face and wants to go home with him?

"What's not sure?" Ye Xiaoye looked at Ye Rumu in confusion, what did the mother just say not necessarily mean?
"It's nothing, Ye'er, next time Mother will make you a personal leather mask, and when you go out in the future, put it on before you go out, you know?" Ye Rumu reminded.

"Okay, but mother, I'm not a child anymore, you don't have to tell me like you did when you were a child!" Ye Xiaoye protested.

Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows and sneered, "You're only three years older, so you're not a child anymore?"

Ye Xiaoye pouted, didn't others say that in the eyes of parents, children will always be children?

Well, don't argue with your mother about this issue!
"Have you encountered any happy things?" Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows. If this child hadn't encountered any more happy things, he wouldn't have come back like this, right?
"There are so many delicious foods! There are so many beautiful young ladies! I am so happy!" Ye Xiaoye said with a satisfied face.

Ye Rumu: "..."

He yawned and said lightly, "I'm going to sleep for a while, you go and have fun first."

Although Ye Xiaoye wanted to say that Ye Rumu didn't understand appreciation,

(End of this chapter)

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