Chapter 1242 Promotion 2
But seeing Ye Rumu's tired appearance, Ye Xiaoye stopped bothering his mother, and he should go back and practice hard. Break through the ultimate spiritual realm within a month!
On the way back, Ye Rumu saw Cang Yuan and Qing Jue who were talking about something not far away.

After Cang Yuan came here, he never went back, and both Qing Jue and Cang Yuan felt that it would be a long time in the future, and they did not get married for a long time.

Ye Rumu felt a little helpless, for such a brave girl as Cang Yuan, Qing Jue should have given her a title a long time ago, a more justifiable reason to stay by his side.

Maybe neither of them are ready?
Thinking of this, Ye Rumu shook his head and continued to walk back. When Ye Rumu went back, he happened to meet Baili Yao who had advanced!
After being stunned for a moment, he sat next to Baili Yao to protect him.

In this promotion, Baili Yao has reached the ultimate spiritual power, and he is the first to be promoted among all the people. Ye Rumu is a little nervous. Obviously too late!
Baili Yao knows that Ye Rumu is back, as soon as she appears, even without looking, Baili Yao can correctly judge that it is Ye Rumu. To be honest, he is a little nervous no matter how he is promoted to the ultimate spiritual power Yes, fortunately, I have consulted the three Jin brothers about promotion.

To be promoted to the ultimate level of spiritual power is like being reborn, the meridians of the whole body need to be smashed and broken by the tyrannical spiritual power in the body, and after successful promotion, the meridians will automatically reorganize.

This is because the meridians can be expanded, and the speed and benefits of cultivation can also be greatly improved!

Although the chance of failure is not high for being promoted to the ultimate level, there are still chances!
If the meridians of the whole body are cut off and the promotion fails, then he will become a useless person... Serious consequences, even death!
These messy common sense and cases that he had learned before flashed through Ye Rumu's mind, and he became more and more worried about Baili Yao!

Baili Yao meditated for a long time, suddenly a painful expression appeared on his face, Baili Yao resisted humming, but the high frown still betrayed him.

Ye Rumu looked distressed, but knew that Baili Yao could not interrupt now, if he interrupted, the promotion would fail!

Ye Rumu looked at the door, stood up, went to the door and set up a formation to isolate the sound from outside, so that people outside could not come in, and left a message on the door, "Retreat and promote."

After doing all this, Ye Rumu returned to not far from Baili Yao, and looked at Baili Yao worriedly.

Because of the broken meridians, some impurities and blood ooze from Baili Yao's body, and the white clothes on his body have turned into red blood clothes!
Ye Rumu bit her lip, trying to keep herself silent, seeing that Baili Yao's clothes were all stained red with blood, Ye Rumu couldn't stand it any longer!
Ye Rumu couldn't bear to look away.


Finally, Baili Yao couldn't bear it any longer and let out a muffled snort.Ye Rumu's heart was tightly held together.

This is the price to be paid for violating the laws of nature, and no one can escape!
Ye Rumu was suddenly afraid that he would have to pay such a price just to advance to the ultimate spiritual power, what about the transcendence of the holy spirit realm and the god spirit realm?

Often the realm of the holy spirit is the stage where the most people are eliminated!
(End of this chapter)

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