1264 Chapter 4
"Then shall we continue to follow this child?"

"Follow, follow, anyway, finding the alchemist is the most important task now, so be patient!" The boss said after taking a deep breath.


After Ye Xiaoye booked the room, he yawned. In order to prevent people with blind eyes from disturbing him, he arranged formations on the windows and the door, so that no matter what happened outside, he would not be able to hear it!

She clapped her hands contentedly, and Ye Xiaoye fell asleep peacefully.

The group chose a room at the inn opposite, and focused on Ye Xiaoye's side.

After Ye Xiaoye woke up, he went to open the door in a daze, went downstairs, and ate, all in one go.

After eating enough, Ye Xiaoye felt bored again, thinking, he came out to make a living, and he must make a name for himself!
Ye Xiaoye thought of that group of people, although he didn't know who they were, but they didn't hurt him, so they might be good people?How about hanging out with them?
No, no, they want people who can make alchemy!
Ye Xiaoye doesn't know how to make alchemy, he puts all his energy into cultivation, so he doesn't have extra energy and time to learn alchemy, Ye Xiaoye thought about it, and he didn't know if those people would like to take him with him What about?
After thinking about it, Ye Xiaoye simply went out, went directly to the opposite inn, and then went upstairs to knock on the door.

The boss only saw Ye Xiaoye coming out, and was about to organize people to chase after him, when he heard a knock at the door, he went to open the door immediately, and saw that it was Ye Xiaoye, and suddenly there was a slowly awkward atmosphere in the air.

"Eh..." The boss didn't know how to let go of his hands and feet, his eyes dodged, and for some reason, he felt guilty in front of a brat!
"Is it because of me that you live here?" Ye Xiaoye blinked and asked straightforwardly.

The boss blushed, thinking in his heart, how does this kid know that they live here, how does he know that he lives here, and how does he know that they live here because of him?
"Yes, that's right, it's because of you!" The boss said directly without any twitch.

Ye Xiaoye nodded and said with satisfaction, "Okay, I admire your courage. If that's the case, you take me with you, how about I hang out with you?"

"You?" The boss frowned, but thinking that he was a small alchemist, he originally wanted to refuse in his heart, but hesitated again.

"Although I am not an alchemist, I know someone who is an alchemist. The kind of elixir you mentioned was made by someone I know! How about it? Besides, don't look at my young age, I am already High-level spiritual power!" Ye Xiaoye said, and he has also mastered it, and he will hide some strength.

"You said that someone you know is an alchemist, and we are looking for it, I believe it. But, you are young, are you sure you are a high-level alchemist?" The boss didn't believe it, because he was only a high-level alchemist !

And he couldn't see through Ye Xiaoye's real spiritual power, if he was at the same level, then he would be able to see through it!
"You can't see through because I took the elixir. Did you see that this is a elixir specially designed to hide strength." Ye Xiaoye took out a porcelain bottle and shook it in front of the boss, then carefully put it back.

The boss didn't see what it was, but the kid said it was a pill that concealed his strength, and he couldn't feel the kid's spiritual power. Could it be true?
(End of this chapter)

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