1265 Chapter 5
The boss hesitated for a moment before asking, "Why are you following us?"

"I ran away from home and came out to roam the rivers and lakes! But I'm still too young. I think you have a good personality, so I just want to hang out with you. How about it? Do you want it?" Ye Xiaoye asked impatiently. Why do people have so many questions?

"Since this is the case, then you can follow us, but if we need it, if you happen to have that kind of elixir on you, you have to hand it over!" The boss thought for a while and said, the most important thing is for Ye Xiaoye The pill on my body!

As for whether the child has high-level spiritual power, the boss doesn't care that much.

"Okay, okay, if I have the pill you want, of course I will give it to you, but I told you in advance, I was in a hurry when I came out, in order not to let my mother find out, I didn't steal many pills , So, you should save some money!" Ye Xiaoye thought in his heart, give him what you want, think him stupid?Why don't you save some money for yourself?
Besides, when you have no money, you can still take the pill to auction!
Think about it, he is so young, no one wants to hire him as a bodyguard, right?
It would be good to go to a certain force, but I always feel that it is not free.

Seeing that the group of bosses are quite idle, Ye Xiaoye thought, they should be free enough!
After the boss took care of the brat, he immediately called people and prepared to go back.

"Boss, do you really want to take this kid back home? We didn't find the alchemist the Lord wanted, will the Lord be angry?" The second child asked in fear, what should the Lord do if he is angry? Woolen cloth?

The boss laughed loudly: "Don't be afraid, the lord is not such a stingy person. Besides, although this kid is not an alchemist, he has a lot of pills on him! Hahaha, I believe the lord will be happy to see it!"

"Great, now, we don't have to be afraid of Xiao Hu's gang anymore!"

The boss nodded, "Third brother, when have we ever been afraid of Xiao Hu and his gang? It's only because Xiao Hu and the others have low-level pills in their hands! What this brat has is not low-level pills!"

"Boss is right, now we have a chance of victory."

A group of people became more and more excited as they talked, as if they had already defeated Xiao Hu and his gang!
Ye Xiaoye rested his chin on his hands and looked at a group of people, who completely forgot about Ye Xiaoye's existence.

Ye Xiaoye yawned and almost fell asleep!
After they finished discussing the glorious future, they immediately went back to pack their things and rushed back immediately.

Ye Xiaoye was completely furious, and jumped up: "Are you going to leave without giving me food?"

Ye Xiaoye was still too young after all, everyone continued walking as if they didn't hear what he said.

Ye Xiaoye was furious!Directly use spiritual power to prevent everyone from leaving!

Everyone was shocked, they didn't expect Ye Xiaoye to have such a high spiritual power, how big is this!

Immediately everyone's eyes showed surprise, looking at Ye Xiaoye was like looking at a baby!
Ye Xiaoye said angrily: "I want to eat!"

"Eat, eat, eat first! Everyone eat before leaving!" The boss hurriedly said, "Can you let us go now?"

Ye Xiaoye snorted coldly, and with a wave of his little hand, the air wall formed by spiritual power disappeared immediately, really, forcing him to take action!

The boss already regarded Ye Xiaoye as a treasure, and ordered all the delicious food in the inn for Ye Xiaoye.

(End of this chapter)

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