Peerless Princess: Pit Niang Meng Bao Monster Evil Father

Chapter 1294 The Zhuangcheng Incident 1

Chapter 1294 The Zhuangcheng Incident 1
But it's still possible!Caixin, next time I'll ask my mother to make it for you, it's delicious! "Ye Xiaoye said proudly.

Cang Yuan pretended to use a sour tone and said: "Really? Why don't you let Sister Rumu cook for me after I've lived with you for so long? Little guy who values ​​sex and despises friends!"

Ye Xiaoye blinked, a little speechless, and coughed lightly: "Ahem, didn't I not think of it? Besides, Sister Cang Yuan, you didn't say you wanted to eat at that time, did you?"

Cang Yuan immediately stared at Ye Xiaoye, "Is this still my fault?"

"No, no." Ye Xiaoye said while hiding behind Qingjue, "Uncle Qingjue, take care of your woman!"

Qing Jue glanced at Ye Xiaoye indifferently, moved his position, not to use Ye Xiaoye as a shield.

Ye Xiaoye pouted, got up and sat down next to Qingjue.

Qing Jue raised her eyebrows, "Why don't you sit next to your Caixin?"

You must know that Ye Xiaoye can't wait to be with Caixin all the time while staying in the Zetian Sect during this period of time!

"Now Caixin and Sister Cangyuan are the closest, and Caixin helps Sister Cangyuan and not me..." Ye Xiaoye felt aggrieved, staring at Qingjue, her eyes full of accusations, thinking that Qing would never look down on him woman!
Qing Jue: "..."

Ignoring Ye Xiaoye's accusing eyes, Qing Jue ate his food slowly, and kindly reminded, "We will be on the road in a while, if you don't eat anymore, you will stay here and finish eating later and then follow up."

Ye Xiaoye's eyes widened, and he immediately lowered his head and gnawed on the rabbit meat in his hand.

After filling their stomachs and seeing that it was getting late, the four of them started their journey. They didn't know how long they would have to walk before they could see people. Fortunately, they had already walked out of the forest, at least they would not encounter spirit beasts or anything. .

Spirit beasts generally don't leave the forest, so there's nothing to worry about.

At night, I found a place above the open space and lit a fire. Qing Jue let everyone rest and he came to watch the night.

Cang Yuan proposed to take the place of Qing Jue in the second half of the night, but Qing Jue shook his head and refused, "No, just take a good rest."

"You don't rest, how are you going to hurry tomorrow?" Cang Yuan frowned, looking at Qing and asked in disapproval.

"I'm fine, my mental strength is strong, it's nothing if I don't sleep for a day, but you, you can't use your mental strength now, you should rest earlier." Qing Jue looked at Cang Yuan and said worriedly.

Mental power is very important to a person!
"It's not that I don't have mental strength anymore, it's just sealed up!" Cang Yuan retorted dissatisfied.

In the end, I still couldn't help it, and went to bed early.

In the past few days in the forest, I have been on tenterhooks, not daring to fall asleep too deeply.

After all, there are still two children to take care of, so it can't be too hard to clean up.

Cang Yuan knew that Qing Jue must have worked harder, she didn't sleep much, how could Qing Jue fall asleep at ease?

Sighing lightly, that's all, let Qingjue take a good rest when we get to a safe place.

After a good night's sleep, the three of them woke up early the next morning.

Qing Jue opened his eyes, rubbed the corners of his tired eyes, and his head felt a little tingling, which was the consequence of not resting overnight.

It's impossible for Cang Yuan not to see Qing Jue's obvious uncomfortable look, he looked at Qing Jue worriedly, bit his lip, "Qing Jue, are you okay? Why don't you go to sleep first, and then we go on our way?
(End of this chapter)

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