Peerless Princess: Pit Niang Meng Bao Monster Evil Father

Chapter 1295 The Zhuangcheng Incident 2

Chapter 1295 The Zhuangcheng Incident 2
Don't be so anxious, here, there should be no danger. "

Qing Jue thought for a while, then nodded, "Okay, take Xiao Ye and the others to eat first, I'll sleep for half an hour, remember to call me."

"En." Cang Yuan nodded, it's still early, and Qing Jue can definitely let Qing Jue sleep a little longer, so Cang Yuan selfishly wants Qing Jue to sleep a little longer.

Ye Xiaoye and Caixin were very sensible, they knew they couldn't argue with Qingjue, so they walked away to eat something, and waited for Qingjue to wake up.

An hour later, Qing Jue woke up by himself, looked at the sky, and knew what was going on, but Qing Jue didn't say anything. After getting up, he ate something, washed his face, and continued on his way.

"Here... seems to be near Zhuangcheng." Cang Yuan said suddenly.

"Really? Sister Cang Yuan!" Ye Xiaoye raised his head in surprise, looked at Cang Yuan and asked.

Cang Yuan nodded, "It seems to be, but I'm not sure, let's go again and make sure!"

"Okay." Ye Xiaoye nodded, looking at Caixin who was also looking forward to her side, thinking how good it is, Caixin is going to meet her family soon!

"Speaking of Caixin, you were a child who ran so far with so many adults, weren't you afraid?" Ye Xiaoye asked.

Thinking of what happened these days, Ye Xiaoye still felt a little thrilling!
"At that time, I didn't know anything, and the boss and the others were not familiar with this place. Later, I met Xiao Hu's group and knew that there was a small town nearby, so we started to build the Zetian sect, and then everything was fine. After meeting you, you all know what happened next." Cai Xin said with a blushing face.

Ye Xiaoye was a little strange, "Why did Xiao Hu and the others wait until now to fight with you? Since you have known each other for such a long time."

This is really strange, Xiao Hu would be so stupid?With a rich man like Caixin doing nothing?

"Before Xiaohu and his gang wanted to rob us after we appeared, but it turned out that the bosses had no money on them, and I was a child, so they didn't check me, haha, and when we first started building the house , I found a place quite far away from Xiao Hu. Later, I don’t know how Xiao Hu found out. At the beginning, he ignored us. Maybe he wanted to do it after we were completed. Sure enough, after we were completed, Xiao Hu started You keep disturbing us!" Cai Xin said a little angrily, otherwise she wouldn't have gone looking for an alchemist.

Because only something against the sky like pills can save the current situation of the Zhetian Sect!

"So that's the case? Then Xiao Hu still has some brains. I always thought he had no brains." Ye Xiaoye pouted.

"Haha, if Xiao Hu was stupid, he wouldn't have lived in this deep mountain and old forest until now! But, Xiao Hu isn't very smart, at least they are so messed up that they can't even eat!" Speaking of which, Cai Xin still had some sympathy for Xiao Hu. If Xiao Hu hadn't been coveting the Zetian sect at that time, Caixin would have wanted to help Xiao Hu's Xiaohu sect. After all, it is not easy to be a neighbor in the deep mountains!

Chatting and chatting, soon vaguely saw the appearance of the city.

Caixin looked at the city in surprise, and excitedly pulled Ye Xiaoye's arm and said, "Brother Xiaoye, look, that's Zhuangcheng!"

(End of this chapter)

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