Peerless Princess: Pit Niang Meng Bao Monster Evil Father

Chapter 1296 The Zhuangcheng Incident 3

Chapter 1296 The Zhuangcheng Incident 3
"Ah! I've really arrived in Zhuangcheng." Ye Xiaoye was also very happy, and Qing Jue's method of distinguishing directions was also remembered in his heart.

"Zhuangcheng... I have always wanted to come to play, but I have never had time to come. This time, I finally came." Cang Yuan looked at the distant city and said with emotion.

"Let's go, enter the city before dark." Qing Jue narrowed his eyes, looked at Ye Xiaoye and Caixin, and asked, "Are you still able to move?"

"Yes, I'm fine." Ye Xiaoye looked up, looked at Qing Jue and said.

"I can do it too." Caixin nodded quickly, thinking that she would be going home soon, Caixin couldn't stop being excited.

"Okay, since there are no problems, let's go to Zhuangcheng as soon as possible. Caixin, if you can't walk anymore, you must speak up!" Qing Jue instructed.

Caixin curled her lips, "I am also a master of high-level spiritual power after all, what does this mean to me? You underestimate me too!"

"Hehe." Qing Jue couldn't help but smile a little, Cai Xin looked really arrogant.

The four of them rushed towards the direction of Zhuangcheng non-stop, and finally arrived at the gate of the city before dark.

The guard at the gate of the city frowned when he saw the outsider coming, and stepped forward to stop him, "Who are you and what are you here for?"

Caixin stood up and said, "I am Zhuang Caixin, the daughter of the city lord!"

"What city lord's daughter? Our city lord doesn't have any daughters!" The guard waved impatiently. Where did this group of people come from, claiming to be the city lord's daughter?
Caixin's expression changed, she saw the guard's face was unfamiliar, she had never seen it before, and she couldn't help feeling flustered.

"How is it possible? How could the city lord have no daughter?" Caixin shouted in disbelief. Could it be that her parents didn't come to her these days because she no longer wanted her daughter?

"What nonsense are you talking about? Our city owner is only 13 years old this year. Where did he get his daughter?" The guard looked at Cai Xin strangely. Where did this lunatic come from?

It's so pitiful to be crazy at such a young age!
Caixin's expression changed again and again, no daughter?Only 13 years old?
"Then tell me, what's the name of the current city lord? Where is the city lord Zhuang Liyuan?" Caixin asked with a pale face. She couldn't believe that her father was no longer the city lord?Why?Didn't she just leave for a year?

"The current city lord is Zhuang Ke. As for the city lord of Zhuangliyuan you mentioned, he was assassinated by someone more than half a year ago, and the Zhuang family did not survive! The current city lord was elected through the election of several elders. Come out." Seeing Caixin's painful expression, the guard couldn't help but tell her the truth.

"No! Impossible! Impossible! How could this be? No wonder Dad didn't come to see me... Brother Zhuang Ke, I want to see Brother Zhuang Ke, tell Brother Zhuang Ke that my name is Zhuang Caixin!" Caixin looked at the guards pleadingly , I just hope the guards can help her with this.

"Zhuang Caixin? Hiss... It seems that the daughter of the city lord of Zhuang Liyuan is indeed called by this name, but you will inevitably be suspected of impersonating, so I can't let you in now!"

"Why? Isn't Zhuangcheng also open to outsiders?"

"Since the city lord was assassinated, Zhuangcheng has been closed to the outside world. This matter has already been spread, don't you know?" The guard looked at Caixin suspiciously. Where did this come from?Why don't you know anything?
(End of this chapter)

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