Chapter 1330 Trap 6
"Bitch, what are you laughing at?" Because there was no woman younger than him in terms of spiritual power, Xiao Si felt it was a slap in the face. Broken to pieces!
Cang Yuan ignored it, and flew up directly, releasing the pressure of his spiritual power, the man and Xiaosi suddenly felt that breathing became a little difficult!
This is the coercion that belongs to the level!
Cang Yuan released bit by bit, letting them feel the feeling of being suppressed bit by bit, but they couldn't resist.

"You guys are so funny. You didn't ask me to find out, but you rushed to me. Is my money so easy to grab? However, I'm curious who asked you to hunt and kill me? Tell me, I might I'll let you go!" Cang Yuan took the money bag back from the man's hand very easily, Cang Yuan looked at the money bag touched by the man in disgust, poured out all the money, and threw the money bag directly up.

Fortunately, this is just a purse that I bought at random. If I made it myself, I would be so reluctant!
If the man and Xiao Si knew that Cang Yuan was struggling with the purse, they would definitely vomit blood!

Xiao Si and the man couldn't move, and Cang Yuan directly fixed them in place, and Cang Yuan walked around the two of them, "Now tell me who ordered you, maybe I can let you go, Otherwise... there is no use in keeping black sheep like you!"

"Hero! Woman! I don't know who is going to kill you. This brother on the road suddenly approached me and said that as long as I participate, he will give me half of the money. I saw so many Qian, I came here just because I was tempted, I really don’t know who is going to kill you! I want to know that your spiritual power is so strong, I will definitely take a detour! Please let me go, I don’t know It's here!" Seeing that Xiaosi was able to speak now, she quickly explained clearly.

The man sneered, "Kill me if you have the ability, I can't possibly tell you who it is!"

What the man actually thinks is that a woman like Cang Yuan has extremely pure eyes, and she doesn't seem like someone who can kill someone, so the man thinks that as long as he can hold back and don't say who it is, this woman might let him go !

Because his principle of life is not to reveal the name of his employer, not to mention that the old woman might still be watching nearby, if he did, the old woman would speak out about him and tarnish his reputation, then the loss outweighs the gain!
People are alive, their fame is gone, and their business is gone!

Therefore, he can only gamble!Bet that Cang Yuan will kill him with his hands!

"Okay, then I'll kill you!" Cang Yuan felt a little bored, waved his hand lightly, and with a creak, the man's head hung down softly as if it had lost its support.

Xiao Si saw Cang Yuan kill him as soon as he said it, and was immediately full of fear for Cang Yuan!

"Woman! I really don't know who is going to kill you. Please, just let me go. It's not easy for me to support my family!" Seeing that the man was dead, Xiao Si begged for mercy even harder.

If Cang Yuan only had high-level spiritual power, she wouldn't be able to use the level of coercion that only the ultimate spiritual power can have, then she might fall into the hands of these people!
So, spare them?think too much!

Cang Yuan turned around and left, and when Xiaosi heaved a sigh of relief, he suddenly opened his eyes wide, and in the next second, he also ended up in the same fate as the man.

(End of this chapter)

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