Chapter 1331 Trap 7
The place called the Southern Suburb that the man was looking for is really hidden, no one has come yet, but Cang Yuan doesn't believe that the man's employer didn't follow to see it!So Cang Yuan kept an eye out and found a place to hide.

She wanted to see who was trying to harm her!
After Cang Yuan left, the coercion dissipated, and the bodies of the immobilized man and Xiao Si fell to the ground.

It shocked the old bustard who was going to check it out!

The old bustard hurriedly backed away, hid behind a tree and looked around, seeing no one, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

She would never have thought that that woman had the ultimate spiritual power!Hidden really deep!
But she has long seen that the woman has no spiritual power, so she can't find her existence, otherwise, if she wants to find out, she found out just now!
The old bustard thought for a while, looked at the corpses of the man and Xiaosi over there, gave a bah, and left directly.

Anyway, people are using money to do things. Those people should not have expected such an end a long time ago, so she didn't help them clean up!It would be bad if that woman found out when I went out!

Cang Yuan waited for a long time, but he didn't wait until the person was behind. He realized that the person behind the scenes might have left. At this moment, the sky had already dimmed, and Cang Yuan could still hear the clear howling of wolves not far away.

Cang Yuan had already seen the tombstones around him, and he could tell that this place should be a cemetery.

This man actually wanted to kill her and throw her in the cemetery, just thinking about it makes my scalp tingle!

Since this man wanted to treat her like that before, let him taste what it would be like to be thrown in the cemetery after death, and to be gnawed by wolves!

If you want to blame, you can only blame him for not being as skilled as others and daring to come to him!
If Cang Yuan's spiritual power was low, she would be the one lying there!
So these two people are completely unworthy of sympathy!
Thinking, Cang Yuan took one last look and left directly.

Cang Yuan's memory is not bad, according to his memory, he walked back and walked through the cemeteries. Cang Yuan was even more surprised in his heart. He didn't notice it when he came here, but now he notices it, he just feels goosebumps all over his body. Pimples, my heart is furious!

Cang Yuan left quickly, and when she finally saw someone on the street, the hairy feeling in her heart disappeared. I don’t know if it was because of psychological effects, but she always felt that someone was staring at her from behind, but what about Nanjiao? Will someone?
There are quite a few dead people!
When Cang Yuan returned to the inn, it was completely dark.

Qing Jue and Ye Xiaoye searched all over the city, but they couldn't find anyone. They were taking Ye Xiaoye back to the inn to rest. They planned to go out to search for a while, but they ran into Cang Yuan when they came back!
"Sister Cangyuan, where did you go! We are so worried about you, we have been looking for you all afternoon and we can't find anyone!" When Ye Xiaoye saw Cang Yuan, he rushed up and hugged Cang Yuan's waist Don't let go.

Now Ye Xiaoye has grown taller, but in the past, he would just hug other people's thighs.

"I've encountered something that made you worry." Cang Yuan's face was full of shame, and he patted Ye Xiaoye's head, "I'm fine."

Qing Jue frowned, and asked worriedly: "What happened?"

Apart from Situ Qing, the people Cang Yuan knew here were him and Ye Xiaoye, and he didn't know anyone else. What would happen?
"We'll talk when we go back." Cang Yuan pursed her lips, and after walking for a long time, she was a little tired.

(End of this chapter)

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