Chapter 1341 Leaving Licheng 1
Cang Yuan shook his head sympathetically.

In order to convince the city lord of Licheng that they hadn't discovered his existence, they tried their best.

In other words, Ye Xiaoye took this opportunity to slander Qingjue vigorously.

Qing Jue was always calm, as if he didn't hear what the two of them said.

Doing your own thing.

After finishing it, Qing Jue walked back more calmly.

"Fixed?" Cang Yuan asked with a smile.

"Well, it's done, this time, he really has nothing to do with us." Qing Jue's lips curled up slightly, looking at Cang Yuan's doting smile.

"Then should we go?" Cang Yuan also smiled.

Qing Jue looked down at Ye Xiaoye, "Let's go."

Ye Xiaoye only felt that gloomy look, followed weakly to reduce his sense of existence.

Situ Ming was stunned when he heard the conversation between the three. What were they talking about?
Did he already find out that he was here?No, it's impossible!If he had been discovered earlier, why didn't he expose him, instead he stood there talking and sleeping?
Situ Ming couldn't hide anymore, because those three people were about to leave. No matter what the reason was, he wouldn't let them go if they committed vile murders!

Situ Ming just thought of it, however, he suddenly found that there was a transparent wall of energy in front of him at some point!
Situ Ming was stunned for a moment, the air wall!

And it's the kind he can't wear!

When did this air wall appear here? He obviously went in from here when he hid in just now!

Now I can't go out suddenly, what are you kidding?
Situ Ming forced himself to calm down, if he couldn't get out this way, he should go out from the other side!
Thinking of this, Situ Ming turned around and planned to go out from behind!

However, the weird thing is that there is also an air wall behind it!
Situ Ming was completely flustered now, he forced himself to calm down, and tried from both sides, but the result was the same, he was really trapped here!

"How could this be... what's going on..." Situ Ming was stunned, what was going on?

Could it be that this is the way it is here, that you can only enter but not exit?

Do not!Situ Ming suddenly remembered the conversation of those three people just now, it must be that those three people did something wrong just now!
Situ Ming knew that those three people did the tricks, but now he has nothing to do with them!
Qi's chest heaved up and down, and he was about to vomit blood.

Situ Ming tried to ask for help from the outside, but as long as it was about magic, there was no way to convey it!

But without magic, there is no other way!
This place has always been deserted, even if he yelled out his throat, no one would be able to hear him!
Situ Ming is very angry, but it seems that he can't do anything now!

But he can't just sit and wait for death. Although he won't die for a while, if he is trapped here, he will be trapped to death sooner or later!

I only hope that his people can come to him after finding out that he is missing!
Now Situ Ming is more determined to convict those three people!
No matter where they go, he will not let them go!

After Qing Jue and the other three dealt with the city lord, they left the city directly.

"It's just a pity that I didn't have time to say goodbye to Situ Qing." Cang Yuan turned his head, looked at Li Cheng who was gradually going away, and said regretfully.

"We will see each other again when we are destined." Qing Jue felt a little jealous when he saw Cang Yuan caring so much about others.

(End of this chapter)

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