Chapter 1342 Leaving Licheng 2
Cang Yuan didn't hear it, and nodded quickly, "You're right, we'll see each other again in the future! To be able to meet in this huge world of cultivating immortals, and to be friends, there must be fate!"

Qing Jue shook his head helplessly, and finally said nothing.

Cang Yuan suddenly remembered the air walls that trapped the city lord, and asked Qingjue, "Qingjue, how did you do it? You can actually trap the city lord inside!"

Qing Jue raised his eyebrows, "That was taught by the Lord."

"Then how long can that air wall trap him? I have a hunch that after he comes out, he will definitely not let us go!" Cang Yuan looked at Qing Jue worriedly. What a city!

Offending the city lord is equivalent to offending the entire city!

"Don't worry, he can be trapped for at least a month. As long as he is inside, people outside can't save him, and they can't hear him, so he can't give orders. In a month, I'm afraid we can all Back to Twilight Academy." Qing is very confident about this air wall.

"Then what if the city lord of Licheng finds out our identities? Will it cause trouble for the Twilight Academy?" Cang Yuan was still worried about this issue.

Qing Jue frowned, "Probably not, the place we are going is more hidden, and we should not be found out. Besides, the Twilight Academy and Licheng are separated by more than half of the world of cultivating immortals. How could the city lord of Licheng be so big?" It's a waste of time!"

Cang Yuan thought about it and thought so, "Okay, then let's not go to the town. It's just that there will be dangers in the wild, so we should be more careful when the time comes!"

"En." Qing Jue nodded.

Ye Xiaoye yawned, and said boringly: "I don't know who bought the murderer before, and they haven't taken revenge yet, so they are about to run away in despair."

"Okay, those who can buy murderers, either can't show their faces, or they have low spiritual power. The kind that can't show up, it proves that the spiritual power is high, but the kind with low spiritual power, do you have the nerve to deal with them?" Cang Yuan asked amusedly.

Ye Xiaoye curled her lips, and said in disapproval: "You can't say that. If someone is embarrassed to attack me as a child, why can't I attack people with low spiritual power? If you say bullying, they are bullying me! "

After all, age is there!

The corner of Cang Yuan's mouth twitched, what Ye Xiaoye said seemed to make sense.

"'re right."

"I also think what I said is right, but, are we going to eat and sleep in the open again next? No!" Ye Xiaoye wailed, he still wants to eat delicious food every day, if he eats and sleeps in the open, wouldn't he have to eat dry food again?
"If you don't want it, you have to. Unless we don't go to the Twilight Academy for the time being, we might be troubled by the Twilight Academy."

"Then let's not go to Twilight Academy for the time being, and go to another city to have fun!" Ye Xiaoye suddenly said excitedly.

Since you caused trouble outside, then don't go back!
Cang Yuan doesn't care if he goes back or not, but he still has to listen to Qing Jue's opinion.

"Qingjue, what do you think?"

"If you don't go back, then don't go back." Qing Jue didn't care, now the master is not in the Twilight Academy, and his task is to protect Cang Yuan and Ye Xiaoye.

"Uncle Qingjue! You are so kind! Then let's go to the next city! Sister Cangyuan, do you know where the nearest one is?"

(End of this chapter)

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