Peerless Princess: Pit Niang Meng Bao Monster Evil Father

Chapter 1349 Beyond the Warm Snow Valley 3

Chapter 1349 Beyond the Warm Snow Valley 3
Li Yuan also felt a little strange, since the entire Nuanxue Valley would be covered with drifting snow, but here is not, so it seems too unusual?
Lingzhi glanced at it, curled her lips and said, "What's so strange? Maybe we have stepped out of the range of Nuanxue Valley?"

Ye Rumu shook his head, and said in disapproval: "Impossible, several masters have said that Nuanxue Valley has only one entrance and exit, which is the place we came in, and it is impossible to have another entrance and exit in other places, that is to say, This world can be said to be isolated from the world."

Ganoderma lucidum blinked, "Then why is it different here? And there is no clear thing to separate the two sides, but there is no snow here, and the two sides are clearly separated!"

It's not that there is no road there, Ye Rumu thought for a while and said, "Go and have a look."

"Aren't you afraid of any danger over there? You really aren't afraid of anything!" Ganoderma lucidum hurriedly yelled, in unknown places, there will always be unexpected dangers.

Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows, looked at Ganoderma lucidum, and said with a light smile, "If you are afraid of death, you can stay here and wait for us."

Ganoderma lucidum: "...Who said I'm afraid of death! You're afraid of death!"

Lingzhi was extremely dissatisfied, and followed Ye Rumu with a cold snort.

Just kidding, her former master was a dreamer, how could she be afraid!

"Okay, I know you have courage, but if there is any danger later, you have to protect me well!" Ye Rumu looked at Lingzhi pitifully and said.

Originally, it was Ganoderma lucidum that would be dangerous over there, so Ye Rumu used this matter to tease Lingzhi lucidum.

Ling Zhi's eyes widened, and she said very unwillingly: "Hmph, don't worry, if something dangerous happens, I will definitely stand in front of you!"

Ganoderma lucidum lowered her head to look at her feet, but found that she could only see her fat belly. She couldn't help but ooze out her claws to press down on her belly. She frowned and began to think, when did her slender and beautiful figure disappear?
At this time, Lingzhi suddenly missed her previous figure.

Immediately regret it!

No, I must eat more when I go back, so that I can mourn the disappearance of her good figure!

I used to like to eat Ganoderma lucidum, but when I was trapped in Baihua Valley and couldn't get out, I couldn't eat too many greasy dishes. What I ate every day was the priceless fruit in Baihua Valley. Forget it, after it came out now, Ganoderma lucidum especially likes things that humans eat, so as I ate it... Lingzhi became like this.

But can't stand the food is really delicious!
Ganoderma lucidum thought about it, and unknowingly followed Ye Rumu far away.

The Nuanxue Valley over there is in sharp contrast with the one here. On this side, a hundred flowers bloom, the trees are evergreen, and there are many flowers and plants growing on the ground. They survive tenaciously. There is no snow here, so Ye Rumu Not sure, is this still the territory of Nuanxue Valley?
But if not, where is this place?
Several masters clearly said that there is only one entrance and exit to Nuanxue Valley, so do several masters know this place?

Ye Rumu thought about it seriously, but he didn't come up with a reason after all, anyway, let's go over and see how big and where it is, and then go back and ask the masters, what exactly is this place!
(End of this chapter)

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