Peerless Princess: Pit Niang Meng Bao Monster Evil Father

Chapter 1350 Beyond the Warm Snow Valley 4

Chapter 1350 Beyond the Warm Snow Valley 4
As he walked, Ye Rumu suddenly felt that this might be a suitable place for Baili Yao to recuperate, but there was no house here, and it was too far away from the houses of several masters, so Ye Rumu had just come up with the idea, cancelled.

Ganoderma lucidum smacked her lips and said in disbelief, "I haven't seen flowers and plants for a long time."

"Isn't it the flowers and plants raised by the masters?" Ye Rumu asked after hearing this, rolling his eyes.

"That's different!" Ganoderma lucidum snorted arrogantly, how can those kept inside the house be compared with those outside?
"I don't know if there is any danger here, master, be careful." Li Yuan searched, but found nothing, and her mana release seemed to be blocked by something!
"There should be no danger here. If there is danger, Master Jin Duoduo will not let me come here. However, it cannot be completely guaranteed that there is no danger at all. If several masters do not know about the danger here, the danger here I'm afraid it's not something I can handle!" Ye Rumu also tried, she released her mental power to investigate, but she was blocked by something, and there was a faint force that knocked her mental power back!

"Then...Master, let's go back first..." Lingzhi said weakly, pulling at the corner of Ye Rumu's clothes.

Ye Rumu looked down at Ganoderma lucidum, and said with a smile, "What? Are you afraid? Didn't you just promise to protect me? Why did you become so afraid all of a sudden?"

"Who said I'm scared! You're kidding, I'm just worried about your safety, okay!" Lingzhi also noticed the difference, she had an intuition that she couldn't move forward!
Ye Rumu looked at Ganoderma lucidum, obviously scared but still forced himself to be calm, maybe Lingzhi also noticed something over there.

"For so many years, what dangerous things have you not done? This time, you must not be afraid! I heard that you used to travel all over the world with your sister. You have been to all places and experienced all kinds of dangers. Why, now you just go to see Just look at what's inside, don't you dare?" Ye Rumu used the aggressive method.

The little Ganoderma lucidum seems to be living back, and it can't stand the aggressive method at all!

"Who told you?" Lingzhi was surprised, and she didn't tell Ye Rumu!
"Sister's deeds, do you still need to tell me in the world of cultivating immortals? You said that you have always stayed by my sister's side, and my sister is your master, so you have experienced it, am I right?" Ye Rumu A faint smile.

"Tch, you are right. Back then, I did many, many dangerous things with my master, and it was because of you that my master came to the world of cultivating immortals and the continent of mortals, and everything I did was for you, so yes In fact, I have known about you for a long time. But! How can you say that I dare not! I, Ganoderma lucidum, will dare to do anything in the world!" Lingzhi said vowedly.

Ye Rumu couldn't help laughing, there are many things about Lingzhi talking big, but this kind of Lingzhi is really cute.

Thinking of the sister who had never met, Ye Rumu felt a sense of anticipation in his heart.

To be able to do this for my sister is also to be benevolent.

In the past, Ye Rumu still felt that her life seemed to be controlled by two hands, and she had sensed it since the mainland.

(End of this chapter)

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