Peerless Princess: Pit Niang Meng Bao Monster Evil Father

Chapter 1355 Beyond the Warm Snow Valley 9

Chapter 1355 Beyond the Warm Snow Valley 9
Dissatisfied, he said, "You forced me to do this? Hmph!"

"Why are you forced by me again? I didn't do anything to you!" Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows, looked at Lingzhi playfully and said.

"Who told you not to wait for me, forcing me to roll over!" Lingzhi said dissatisfied.

Finally, she can walk well, although it seems to her that rolling over is more comfortable.

Ye Rumu looked at the crumbs on the fur of the ganoderma, and couldn't help but use a magic spell to clean the ganoderma, "You'd better turn into a human body, it's more pleasing to the eye."

"You mean I'm not pleasing to the eye right now?" Lingzhi got angry, and waited for Ye Rumu to ask back, as long as Ye Rumu said yes, she would rush forward and desperately!
"How dare I say that you are not pleasing to the eye, you are so powerful, I just think your human form is cuter."

As soon as Ye Rumu said this, Ganoderma lucidum changed back into a human form, with his hands in his pockets, and ran ahead cheerfully.

Ye Rumu smiled, although Ganoderma lucidum has lived for so many years, she is still like a naive child, innocent and cute, and likes to hear people's praise.

Pursing her lips, Ye Rumu followed with a solemn expression.

However, before she had gone far, someone called her name from behind, and Ye Rumu stopped immediately.

Who found it?
Those who can come here are people who live in Nuanxue Valley, so Ye Rumu stopped and waited for people to come up.

Ganoderma lucidum and Li Yuan also heard it, but they were far away and couldn't tell who it was.

However, the three Jin brothers did not keep them waiting, and soon appeared in front of them.

Ye Rumu was a little surprised, his eyes flickered, and he asked curiously: "Masters, what are you doing here?"

"What else can I do? Aren't you worried about you? Well, why did you suddenly think of running into this place?" Jin Duoduo said angrily.

Ye Rumu looked at the three of them, pursed his lips, and said, "I found this place by accident. I don't know why, but my intuition tells me that I must go in and find out, otherwise I will regret it for the rest of my life. So here I am."

What Ye Rumu fears the most in living a lifetime is to regret it!
Because apart from the last life and the unfinished life, she may never have another time.

"Several masters, do you know what's in here?" Ye Rumu frowned, thinking that the three of them are the people who have lived here the longest, if they don't know, there is really no way to know Got it!
"Mu girl, let us tell you the truth, we have never been here before. You are so smart and alert. I believe you have already noticed the coercion and spiritual power here. There is no way to explore more. It was because of this back then. , We didn't come in, this time, if it wasn't because you walked in unintentionally, we didn't want to come in." Jin Zhenzhen said seriously.

Ye Rumu nodded, he didn't expect them to know, but thinking about it, this is the place where they lived for thousands of years, what's in Nuanxue Valley, wouldn't they know?
"Masters, who is the previous master and the first master of Nuanxue Valley?" Ye Rumu asked curiously, tilting his head slightly.

The three Jin brothers looked at me and I looked at you, and finally shook their heads together, Jin Duoduo said: "This Nuanxue Valley is a good place created by heaven and earth.
(End of this chapter)

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