Peerless Princess: Pit Niang Meng Bao Monster Evil Father

Chapter 1356 Beyond the Warm Snow Valley 10

Chapter 1356 Beyond the Warm Snow Valley 10
However, if it is said who the previous owner and the first owner are, we have never heard of it. Perhaps, the first owner of Nuanxue Valley kept a low profile and only spread the name of Nuanxue Valley to let the world know it. No one knows who the real owner of Nuanxue Valley is!When we arrived at Nuanxue Valley, Nuanxue Valley was already empty, and even the house was built by us brick by brick. "

It snows all year round in this warm snow valley, it is not easy to build a house!
Fortunately, the snow is falling, but it will not pile up, as if it is an illusion, and it keeps falling all year round.

Ye Rumu was taken aback for a moment, didn't the previous owner of Nuanxue Valley know who it was?Since it is possible for others not to know who he is, why did he deliberately leak the matter of Nuanxue Valley?

That's right, from Ye Rumu's point of view, it was leaked on purpose, as if he wanted to let others know about this place on purpose.

Intentionally letting others know about this place?
Then how could it fall into the hands of the three Jin brothers by such a coincidence?
Ye Rumu felt that he couldn't figure it out more and more!

"Several masters, there may be a lot of danger here. You are old, you should go back and wait for news from me!" Ye Rumu wanted to go and see, but the three masters had lived here for so long and had never entered. , probably because he was afraid of the things inside, so Ye Rumu didn't want to harm them either!
"Smelly girl, what are you talking about, what do you mean we are old? We are still young!" Jin Duoduo was the first to be upset.

"That's right, we're only a few thousand years old, and we still have a lot of people alive! What does it mean to be old!" Jin Shining also said.

Jin Zhenzhen also echoed.

Ye Rumu just looked at their gorgeous hair quietly and didn't speak.

Ye Rumu looked at the three Jin brothers uncomfortably, and finally Jin Zhenzhen said helplessly, "We will follow you. If something happens, we can take care of you, what do you think?"

"No, if something really happened... Then I'm so sorry for the masters, masters, you should go back, I have the confidence to save my life, you don't have to worry about me!" Ye Rumu directly revealed I have something to save my life.

But the three masters didn't believe it, thinking it was just what Ye Rumu said deliberately to coax them to go back, and they didn't want to go back no matter what.

Seeing to be deadlocked here.

Ye Rumu bit her lip. She didn't want the three masters to go together, but Ye Rumu also knew that they didn't trust her to go alone. After thinking about it, Ye Rumu let go, "Okay , if there is any danger, the three masters, you must cooperate with me, I can save your life!"

Ye Rumu's interspatial ring can be used to hide. Now Caocao, Beast, and Cheng Qizhu are all in it, so the three masters can still hide in it.

Ye Rumu will use this secret weapon if she is really lost. After all, her interspatial ring pretending to be a living person is too terrifying. I am afraid that only the fairy world will have such a thing!
The three Jin brothers don't know where Ye Rumu got the confidence to say that they can protect them, but looking at Ye Rumu's face, they believe Ye Rumu for no reason!
Since I believed it, I wouldn't say anything more. After the decision was made, the four of them moved forward with one sword and one beast.

Ye Rumu asked a little strangely: "This place is too big."

(End of this chapter)

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