1394 Reunion 9
Although Yunfeng and Yunxing have been living outside for a long time, they are living very well, which has made Baili Yao very pleased. These are the only two subordinates he brought to the world of cultivating immortals. In fact, they have already surpassed the subordinates. feelings!

Yunfeng and Yunxing looked at the familiar people in the room, after a long absence, it felt like a dream, Yunfeng asked: "How did the master find us?"

I'm afraid no one knows what happened to them in the suburbs, right?What's more, they are ordinary people, how could anyone pay attention to them?
"Xiaoye found you." Baili Yao replied.

"Ah? How did you find out?" Yun Feng was shocked, and Yun Xing looked at Ye Xiaoye curiously.

I haven't seen you for a few years, but the little master has grown so much taller!

"When you passed by this inn, I found you, but I'm not sure. Later, we searched the entire Star City, but we still couldn't find you. I almost thought I was really wrong. It's okay. , Alright, I'm not mistaken!" Ye Xiaoye, as the biggest contributor to this incident, has long been too arrogant!
"So that's the case? A few days ago, we did come into the city to bring things. If we had looked more at that time, we would have been able to see you, master, without having to make such a big effort!" Yun Xing blamed himself very much. .

"How could you have thought that we would come to Xingcheng? It's not your fault. Don't hug yourself!" Ye Xiaoye immediately climbed up on the stool and stood there, patting Yun Xing's shoulder comfortingly like a little adult .

Ye Xiaoye's original serious atmosphere became joyful after being disturbed by Ye Xiaoye.

Yunfeng looked at Baili Yao and Ye Rumu, and said seriously: "Master, Madam, now we have returned to the side of Master and Madam, in the future, we will definitely do our best to protect Madam and Madam!"

"That's right, master, madam, thank you for never giving up on the two of us!" Yun Xing also said seriously.

Ye Rumu smiled, "Okay, then we need you to protect us!"

But in fact, it is Yunfeng and Yunxing who want everyone to protect them.

"Okay, get up, there will be no masters and servants in the future, only friends." Baili Yao corrected, when he first went to find Yunfeng and Yunxing, he said that he came to inquire about the whereabouts of his friends!
Yunfeng and Yunxing were deeply moved, but they had already made up their minds to protect Bailiyao and stay by Bailiyao's side for the rest of their lives, regardless of their identities, they must count!

"Presumably you already know about the world of cultivating immortals. You know that you need to cultivate spiritual power in the world of cultivating immortals. Only in this way can you protect yourself and the people you want to protect. You haven't had any fluctuations in your spiritual power. Presumably you haven't cultivated your spiritual power yet. , When I get back to Twilight Academy, I will go to Baihua Valley." Ye Rumu said without thinking, they must recover their spiritual power, but now that the bone age is so old, so only Xue Nuguo There is a way!

So, when the time comes, I have to go back to Baihua Valley.

Baihuagu Yunfeng and Yunxing don't know where it is, but everyone else knows it!

Seeing what Ye Rumu said, he knew that he wanted to give Yunfeng and Yunxing a chance to practice!
Yun Feng and Yun Xing could probably guess something, and quickly thanked Ye Rumu.

Ye Rumu shook his head and said, "We're all a family, so don't thank me."

(End of this chapter)

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