1395 Reunion 10
Although she can no longer be called a princess, in their hearts, Ye Rumu will always be a princess!
Yunfeng and Yunxing have been by Baili Yao's side since they were young, so they only left for a few years, which did not affect their return to their previous life, and they got used to it quickly.

It's just that in the world of cultivating immortals, as long as they have a little bit of spiritual power, they can't beat them, it's all true!
After all, the ability of cultivators is given by God, they don't have a trace of spiritual power, they can't compete at all!

Sometimes, there will be doubts about the martial arts in this body, Ye Rumu found out, and said: "Do you think that the martial arts in your body are useless now?"

Yunfeng and Yunxing hesitated for a moment, but still nodded.

Ye Rumu smiled and shook his head immediately, and said: "It's just that you don't have spiritual power yet. After you have spiritual power, you will find that this body of martial arts is your best weapon! Spiritual power is not just for you. With spiritual power, you can be invincible! After all, everyone has spiritual power. If you don’t have any martial arts on your body, you can only use spiritual power without thinking. The fusion of martial arts and spiritual power in the mainland will It will be the most powerful weapon!"

Ye Rumu discovered this at the beginning, and then combined his martial arts and spiritual power together!

It is not that there are no martial arts cheats in the world of cultivating immortals, but it is too late for Ye Rumu and other talents to learn it now, so why not use the martial arts that you already have!
"Ma'am... Can we really possess spiritual power?" Yunfeng stretched out his hands, looked at his hands, and a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes. After knowing the existence of spiritual power, they tried their best. Any way to cultivate, but they didn't succeed. Later, I heard that they were too old to comprehend spiritual power. If they joined an academy or sect with good aptitude, someone would use marrow washing pills for them. But that would also be life threatening!
At that time, when they heard that their lives were in danger, they all refused, because they hadn't found Baili Yao, Ye Rumu, and Ye Xiaoye. If they couldn't, they would risk their lives to gamble!
They don't know what it will be like to have spiritual power, but they know that even without spiritual power, they can live well, so why bother to gamble?If they fail, they will never be able to wait for the person they want to see again. This seems a little cowardly, but they don't live for themselves!
But Baili Yao and Ye Rumu really hope that the people around them can live for themselves, not for others!

"Of course, there is a kind of snow girl fruit in the world of cultivating immortals. After eating it, you can wash your marrow without any pain, and then you can comprehend spiritual power, and you can start to practice." Ye Rumu nodded and replied.

However, the Snow Maiden fruit that Ye Rumu mentioned... Yunfeng and Yunxing had heard a little about it when they inquired about it back then, and Yunfeng couldn't help asking: "But madam, isn't the Xuenu fruit gone in the world of cultivating immortals now?" Is it? It is said that it disappeared thousands of years ago."

Ye Rumu shook his head, "Anyway, what I can do for you is that there are many things that you don't even know when you're away these few years, and slowly, you will understand."

Seeing what Ye Rumu said, Yunfeng and Yunxing had no choice but to nod.

And the matter of the dream, it is too unbelievable to say, too long,
(End of this chapter)

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