1396 Reunion 11
So Ye Rumu chose not to say anything, anyway, they will know about it in the future!

After being reunited with Yunfeng and Yunxing, everyone didn't stay in Star City, but went to Twilight Academy quickly, and the strange thing was that the city lord of Li City didn't catch up.

Cang Yuan thought for a while, and could only say: "Perhaps the city lord has figured it out by himself, and he doesn't want to come up to seek abuse."

The attitude is very indifferent.

Ye Rumu smiled and shook his head. Indeed, Licheng is far enough away from here. Even if the city lord of Licheng wants to do something to them, there is nothing he can do. After all, the city lord of Licheng is not their opponent!

After speeding up the pace this time, it only took three months to reach the Twilight Academy. This time, after all, he didn't take a shortcut, and it took a little longer than the first time he went to Nuanxue Valley.

Everyone stood outside the gate of the Twilight Academy, with more or less nostalgic looks in their eyes.

Qingxue took a look at Ye Rumu, and went to knock on the door.

Soon, someone came to answer the door, a little girl, a strange face.

The little girl stood behind the door and looked at the crowd timidly. The atmosphere of these people was full of inscrutable, which made the little girl subconsciously afraid. The little girl mustered up her courage and asked, "Who are you? What are you doing here at Twilight Academy?" something?"

She can't let the Twilight Academy lose face, how can I put it, now the Twilight Academy is the second-ranked academy!

"Go to Mu Yan and the principal, and tell them that Ye Rumu and the others are back." In order not to frighten the timid child, Ye Rumu showed a soft smile on his face.

As soon as she heard her name, the little girl's eyes immediately showed surprise, she immediately opened the door, and she stepped aside, "It's Senior Sister Ye and Senior Baili, and the seniors are back?"

Ye Rumu was surprised when he heard that the little girl knew them, and asked, "You know us?"

The little girl nodded again and again, and said: "When there is nothing to do, Senior Sister Muyan often talks about Senior Sister Ye and you, Senior Sister Ye, seniors, come in quickly!"

Ye Rumu smiled, took Ye Xiaoye by the hand, and walked in first.

Entering the Twilight Academy, I was a little dazed looking at this huge academy. There is no change here from a few years ago, but it doesn't look as empty as it was a few years ago!

"Twilight Academy has changed a lot, that's great." Ye Rumu's eyes flickered, and he looked at Twilight Academy and said with emotion.

The little girl nodded immediately, and said happily: "Yes, there are a lot more people in the college now. I heard that the second place in the college was won by the seniors and seniors. Now the seniors and seniors are finally back. Already!"

Ye Rumu smiled, Muyan must have talked a lot about them.

The news that Ye Rumu and others entered the Twilight Academy quickly spread throughout the entire Twilight Academy. Mu Daoyu directly used his spiritual power of the Holy Spirit Realm to quickly reach Ye Rumu and the others, looking at Ye Rumu When Mu and the others came back safely, Mu Daoyu nodded in relief, and when he checked their spiritual power, he was shocked!
"In just a few years, your spiritual power has increased so much? This... is about to break through the realm of the Holy Spirit!" Mu Daoyu couldn't help but exclaimed.

As soon as Mu Daoyu's words came out, the people around were in an uproar. They already knew that this group of people was powerful, otherwise they would not have allowed Twilight Academy to reach such a high level, but they never thought that it would be like this sharp!
(End of this chapter)

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