1398 Reunion 13
Thinking that it might be because they were separated, they didn't learn spiritual power!
If Ye Rumu and the others had stayed in the same place before, they wouldn't need someone to lead the way. After saying goodbye to Mu Daoyu, everyone returned to their lodging place.

The place to stay here is not big, and there are not many rooms. It happens that Mu Yan and his brothers surnamed Mu, as well as Ye Rumu and his party live here.

Going back to pack the things, after putting them away, Ye Rumu missed Ye Wuqing in his heart, so he went to ask Mu Yan, where did Ye Wuqing go, why didn't he show up?
Upon hearing this, Muyan said: "Sister Wuqing doesn't know when you will be able to come back, so I want to go out alone to experience some experience. Sister Wuqing hasn't been away for long."

Ye Rumu frowned, always worried about Ye Wuqing, Ye Wuqing hasn't been out yet, what if she doesn't know the way, gets lost or is bullied?Now there is no one who can help her by her side!

"Did she say when she would come back?" Ye Rumu continued to ask.

Muyan shook her head, "Sister Wuqing didn't say anything, but Sister Wuqing said, if you come back while she is out, let me tell you, don't worry about her, she has the ability to protect herself now , and just went out to experience some experience, and by the way, I will come back after a while."

After hearing what Muyan said, Ye Rumu could only force himself to relax, and then asked Muyan about Ye Wuqing.

It's only been a few short years, and now Ye Wuqing has reached the high-level spiritual power, and it is because after breaking through the high-level spiritual power, Ye Wuqing has the idea of ​​going out to relax.

Ye Rumu and Ye Wuqing grew up together, and they knew Ye Wuqing's abilities well, so Ye Rumu wouldn't let herself get hurt.

Thinking of this, Ye Rumu felt relieved a lot, as long as Ye Wuqing can do well, it will be fine!

The Twilight Academy seems to have slowly returned to the right track. During this period of time, when Ye Rumu was standing in the garden or in the corridor in a daze, he could see many young and energetic young girls rushing by, reaching out to caress his lips. In the chest, it seemed that there was no blood boiling in it, and he smiled helplessly. Didn't his temper settle down to the point of stagnant water before he crossed over?
After staying for a few more days, Ye Rumu decided to go to Baihua Valley to pick snow girl fruits for Yunfeng and Yunxing.

The matter of Xue Nuguo is still a secret. If this kind of thing is known by the world, I don’t know how much trouble it will cause. It turns out that the people of Twilight Academy also understand it and have been clinging to this secret, while Ye Rumu and Baili Yao The people around me don't even talk about it.

After Ye Rumu told Baili Yao that he was going to get the snow girl fruit, Baili Yao didn't have any accidents, and he would definitely do what Ye Rumu promised, but what Baili Yao wanted was to be with Ye Rumu. go together.Ye Rumu shook her head and rejected Baili Yao, she just wanted to go alone.

Baili Yao didn't force it, and told Ye Rumu to be careful. He watched the child at home and waited for her to come back.

Ye Rumu couldn't help but smile, why does it feel like she and Baili Yao have switched identities?
Ye Rumu called out Ganoderma lucidum, Lingzhi already knew where Ye Rumu was going, curled his lips, although he was reluctant, he turned into a mount without saying a word.

Ye Rumu jumped up easily, and Ganoderma lucidum began to fly in the direction of Baihua Valley.

(End of this chapter)

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