Chapter 1399 Hundred Flowers City 1
After flying for a while, Ganoderma lucidum began to doze off.

Ye Rumu rubbed Ganoderma lucidum's head and asked, "Ganoderma lucidum, how long have you lived in the world of cultivating immortals?"

Ganoderma lucidum replied in a daze, "Thousands of years."

"It's been so long, you should know everything about the world of cultivating immortals, right?"

Upon hearing Ye Rumu's words, Lingzhi immediately said proudly, "Of course!"

Ye Rumu frowned, and asked lightly: "Then you are going wrong now, do you know?"

Ganoderma lucidum was startled, all of the drowsiness was driven away, and she quickly raised her head to look around, "Ahem, it was all your fault for talking to me just now, which caused me to go in the wrong direction, and it's all your fault."

Seeing Ganoderma shirk responsibility, Ye Rumu curled his lips and did not refute. If we talk too much later, it would be bad if Lingzhi just went on strike.

"Yes, it's all my fault, okay, I won't talk to you anymore?" Ye Rumu always had a smile on his lips, but Lingzhi couldn't see it.

"Don't! Auntie, you'd better talk to me." There was a trace of grievance in Lingzhi's voice.

"Grandma? Lingzhi, you are thousands of years older than me!" Ye Rumu's voice was serious.

"Tch, you were a fairy in your previous life, and you are thousands of years older than me? How is that possible!" Lingzhi said disdainfully, obviously Ye Rumu was older than her by some unknown age!

"Okay, okay, I'm old, how about it?" Ye Rumu didn't think too much. Most women are said to be old enough to blow their hair, but Ye Rumu doesn't care.

"Hmph, that's about the same!" After saying that, Lingzhi's speed became faster again.

After all, she still misses the Baihua Valley where she lived for so many years, she is not willing to leave, but she wants to follow Ye Rumu...

However, Ye Rumu was still puzzled, "Ganoderma lucidum, there are so many bones in Baihua Valley, how did you survive?"

Those people want to get something once and for all without paying anything, and they deserve to die, so Ye Rumu doesn't sympathize with it, but is more curious, what kind of experience is it like to live in Ganoderma lucidum?
"I don't live inside, I live outside." Lingzhi replied, but those bones are not threatening to her at all!
"The owner of that house gave up a long time ago, and he didn't live in it before. After the owner left, I couldn't get out, and those who came in couldn't get out, so I could only die inside. There was nothing I could do. If you go out, there is no way to take them out." Lingzhi said lightly, but it made Ye Rumu tremble all over.

The current Baihua Valley is more like a big tomb!Countless unknown people are buried!
Just thinking about it can make people shudder.

"What on earth is your master thinking? Let so many people go in, and then let them die inside?" To some extent, this is too cruel, right?
"That can't be helped. The master's mana is suppressed in this world. Naturally, there is no way to create a perfect enchantment to maintain the Hundred Flowers Valley. Besides, the master has to leave the door for you so that you can come and go freely. However, the side People who live here are not so lucky, they can only go in, but not out! But many people know it clearly, and still want to go in and have a look. If this is the case, it can only be said that they deserve it if they die inside! "Ganoderma lucidum pouted, what does this have to do with the master?"
After hearing this, Ye Rumu fell silent, yes, it is impossible to have the best of both worlds.

(End of this chapter)

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