Peerless Princess: Pit Niang Meng Bao Monster Evil Father

Chapter 1412 Promotion to the Holy Spirit 4

Chapter 1412 Promotion to the Holy Spirit 4
Thinking about it, Ye Rumu really wanted to just lie down and fall asleep.

Ganoderma lucidum looked at Ye Rumu anxiously, and secretly said in her heart not to sleep, not to sleep!

Ganoderma lucidum and Ye Rumu are in a contractual relationship. If what Lingzhi said in his heart was specifically told to Ye Rumu, Ye Rumu could also hear it. Ye Rumu listened to the voice of Lingzhi in his mind and told her not to sleep over and over again. Smiled, it turns out that Ganoderma lucidum is here.

Also, how could Ganoderma lucidum not notice such a big movement?
Ye Rumu took a deep breath, she only felt that her mouth was full of fishy sweetness, and at some point, her mouth was already full of blood!
Ye Rumu tilted her head, spat out a mouthful of blood, sat up slowly and with difficulty, and placed her trembling fingers in front of her body. She felt that the bones in her whole body seemed to be broken, and soon they would not be able to support her body. !

Even Ye Rumu's teeth were chattering, but he was still able to sit calmly without making a sound!
Ye Rumu hasn't made a single sound since Tianlei Tribulation until now!
Even Ye Rumu admired his perseverance!
Ye Rumu closed his eyes, quietly waiting for the last thunder.

This last one was faster and more urgent than the first and second ones, and Ye Rumu didn't have time to slow him down, so he just smashed it down!

After this thunder fell, the dark clouds covering Baihua Valley quickly dissipated.

Spirit beasts and human beings are different after all, so after people confirmed that the person who experienced the calamity was an individual, no one left, and they all stayed outside the Valley of Flowers, waiting for the people inside to come out.

Ye Rumu passed out after receiving the last thunder, and was not clear about everything.

Ganoderma lucidum quickly appeared by Ye Rumu's side, checked Ye Rumu's breath, and found that it had recovered, and the meridians on his body had been reshaped. Except that his body was still covered with blood, it was as if he had never been injured. Same!
The skin on his body became more crystal clear, just like white crystal!
Lingzhi was relieved, walked to the entrance of the toad's hole, and dragged the unconscious toad out, seeing that she would not die for a while, Lingzhi didn't bother to pay attention to her.

Ganoderma became the original body, put Ye Rumu on her back, Ganoderma ran to a hot spring with Ye Rumu on her back, this hot spring used to be the place where the master took a bath, after the master left, the Ganoderma became cheaper, now Ganoderma lucidum can only bring Ye Rumu here to soak first.

Ganoderma lucidum turned back into a human body, and her body was stained with a lot of blood, so she simply soaked in the hot spring together.

Looking at Ye Rumu's peaceful face, he wondered in his heart when Ye Rumu would wake up?

Worrying that Ye Rumu would catch a cold, Ganoderma could not take out clothes from Ye Rumu's storage space to change for Ye Rumu, so he could only let Ye Rumu soak in the hot spring temporarily.

The bloody smell on Ye Rumu's body was gone, but Lingzhi was worried when she looked at it. She didn't know how to deal with Ye Rumu?

I don't know how long Ye Rumu will sleep this time!

Originally, he thought that he could go back after picking a snow girl fruit, but who knew that Ye Rumu was promoted at this time!
If you don't look at Ganoderma lucidum, you will know that Baihua Valley is in a mess now!

Fortunately, the place of promotion is in a restricted place, so it will not be affected too much, and the important things are not in that place. Thinking about it, Ganoderma lucidum can finally comfort her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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