Peerless Princess: Pit Niang Meng Bao Monster Evil Father

Chapter 1413 Promotion to the Holy Spirit 5

Chapter 1413 Promotion to the Holy Spirit 5
Ganoderma lucidum looked at Ye Rumu, and fell asleep after watching it!
When Ye Rumu opened his eyes, he saw her lying in the hot spring, and Ganoderma lucidum fell asleep lying on top of the hot spring!
Ye Rumu's mind was blurred for a while, and after slowly remembering everything, Ye Rumu got up from the hot spring, put on clean clothes, and saw if Lingzhi would wake up for a while, Ye Rumu Sitting on a rock, silently watching Baihua Valley.

She never thought that she would be promoted suddenly when her life was threatened!

However, Ye Rumu thought, she didn't have much fear at first, so she couldn't help but smiled. Could it be that she already knew that she would be promoted at this time?
Ye Rumu shook his head, looked at the Ganoderma lucidum and felt sleepy, so he simply leaned on the stone and fell asleep again.

At night, the stars in the sky are shining non-stop, it seems that something joyful is happening.

Lingzhi and Ye Rumu woke up one after another. When Lingzhi saw Ye Rumu, she thought she was dreaming, but when she just wanted to continue sleeping, she suddenly woke up!

"When... did you wake up?" Lingzhi asked in disbelief.

Although the injuries on Ye Rumu's body were gone, there was a lot of blood loss before. Lingzhi didn't expect Ye Rumu to wake up so soon!
Ye Rumu's fairer face showed a sickness. She took out a blood-enriching pill from the storage space and swallowed it, and then replied: "I woke up at noon. Seeing that you haven't woken up yet, I fell asleep again. gone."

"Oh..." Ganoderma groaned, nodded, looked at Ye Rumu worriedly and said, "Do you feel any discomfort? You were just promoted, and you bled a lot during the calamity!"

"Except for a little dizziness, I'm fine, don't worry." Ye Rumu shook his head, and then swallowed another blood-enriching pill.

Ye Rumu is an alchemist now, she should be fine, she can rest assured thinking about Ganoderma lucidum!
"What's the origin of that toad?" Ye Rumu thought of the toad who promoted her promotion. After all, she was stuck at this step for so long and didn't get promoted. In the end, because the toad got promoted, she deserves to be thanked!

"Oh, that was when the master saw her cannibalizing people indiscriminately, so she was caught and locked up. Speaking of which, she has cultivated to the current level, and she has eaten a lot of people!" Lingzhi pouted, and the spirit beast can pass through Eat people to absorb spiritual power, so this is why people are afraid of spirit beasts!
Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows, so it was like this?
"In the past, no one came to Baihua Valley. Even if there were, they would be people that the toad couldn't deal with, but you are different. She can attract you from a distance! However, you are also the Holy Spirit now, and she has seen it before. You had such a big show when you were promoted, I guess I dare not do anything to you!" Lingzhi thought of the scene of Ye Rumu's promotion, and his whole body trembled.

Ye Rumu pulled her lips speechlessly, she didn't want to do this either, the sky thunder is so big, she is the one who suffers, okay?

"Since I'm healed, why don't we go back." Ye Rumu said.

"Yeah, I'm leaving early tomorrow morning. I originally thought that I would leave as soon as I finished my work. Who knew that so many things would happen?" Lingzhi muttered and continued to lie down. Sleep as a respect."

Ye Rumu smiled and lay down too.

(End of this chapter)

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