Chapter 1433 Secret Realm Collection 5
Occasionally, even if we meet, it's just to say hello, and I haven't had a chance to chat like this for a long time.

Now that each of them has shaken off the burdens in their hands, the two plan to find a place to have a good chat after the children enter the secret realm.

The opening time of the secret realm was on time, the sun was just in the middle, the entrance to the illusion slowly appeared, and then opened in front of everyone!
Everyone held their breath as they watched the secret realm open.

"Do you regret it?" Cang Yuan didn't know whether he was asking himself or Mu Daoyu.

"What do you regret? After so many years, haven't you come here? Your daughter is now able to take care of herself." Mu Daoyu replied with a smile.

He has been taking care of Muyan's children all his life, and the major events of his life have also been delayed. Now because his spiritual power can no longer improve, his head is covered with silver threads. Although the years to come are still very long, Mu Daoyu is not Planning to find another partner.

Speaking of this, Cang Yuan took another look at Mu Daoyu. Under the situation back then, absolutely no one would be willing to follow Mu Daoyu. After all, he had no future in sight, and he had to help him take care of seven children!
The seven children now have high or low spiritual powers, and there are only two or three who appeared here this time, but the few who were outstanding in the college competition a few years ago are all there!

As soon as he looked over, he took a deep breath, "You old man, it's fine! I found the treasure!"

If he had picked up these few at the beginning, now Linyuan College could become one of the five great colleges!
"Hehe." Mu Daoyu only laughed a few times and didn't say anything, but the company's pride was obvious.

Cang Yuan scolded Mu Daoyu secretly, and continued to look at the entrance of the secret realm.

"Shangguan's family is here too," Cang Yuan said.

Mu Daoyu frowned, "Don't worry, if Mu Na girl is here, that girl has the most ideas, so nothing will happen."

The Shangguan family has not troubled Twilight Academy for so many years, but the gap in those years cannot be forgotten in a few years!
Moreover, Mu Daoyu was also puzzled, why did the Shangguan family let the Twilight Academy go so easily?

I thought it was because of Ling Feiyu, but why did Ling Feiyu do this?Shang Zhen and Cangming are not enough to make the Shangguan family fearful like this!
"You actually believe that girl." Cang Yuan also looked at Ye Rumu. In this month, it was Ye Rumu who Cang Yuan talked to him the most.

Mu Daoyu smiled and said nothing, trust is not about time, nor is it something that can be handed over in a few words, but Ye Rumu's calm demeanor makes Mu Daoyu trust her very much!

Ye Rumu also saw someone from Shangguan's family, but he just felt familiar, and couldn't remember who it was, so he looked away and prepared to move forward.

Muyan pulled Ye Rumu's sleeve, and asked softly, "Sister Rumu, do you remember who that is?"

Ye Rumu followed Muyan's gaze and shook his head.

"They are from the Shangguan family, that is Shangguan Mu, and that is Shangguan Gu'er! Sister Rumu should still remember the people from the Shangguan family?" Muyan pointed to Ye Rumu in a low voice.

Ye Rumu was stunned, no wonder he felt a little familiar, after seeing each other for three years, both Shangguan Mu and Shangguan Gu'er were much more mature than three years ago, and their faces were no longer immature.

Ye Rumu looked again, and found that Shangguan Gu'er looked at her with hatred in his eyes,
(End of this chapter)

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