Chapter 1434 Secret Realm Collection 6
Lightly retracting his gaze, he raised his eyebrows and said, "Let's go in."

Those forces standing in front have almost entered, Ye Rumu is not in a hurry, she is not in a hurry, the people behind her are in a hurry!But Ye Rumu didn't say anything, neither the Twilight Academy nor the Linyuan Academy moved!

Because the breath of Ye Rumu and Baili Yao seemed to them to be too oppressive!
The entrance to the secret realm is open for a long time, enough for everyone to enter, and the secret realm will not be closed.

Before the secret realm is closed, the leaders of the major forces will not leave to prevent someone from making trouble.

Just when the secret realm was about to close, a black wind suddenly blew up around the entrance of the secret realm, carrying leaves and sand in the wind, which blew over unexpectedly, causing people to subconsciously cover their eyes with their sleeves immediately!

Mu Daoyu suddenly trembled all over, quickly put down his sleeves, and looked hard. However, the black wind disappeared and the entrance to the secret realm was closed.

Those who faced that incident back then all stared at the original entrance to the secret realm with serious faces, while those who were young and never participated in it had no idea what happened!
"I feel that they... are back again." Mu Daoyu was silent for a while, and expressed his thoughts.

Cang Yuan also nodded solemnly, he also felt this way, those auras were too familiar!

Even after thousands of years have passed, there is still no way to forget it!

Back then, Mimeng was like a god, riding the storm, but what about now?
"Many people have already noticed it." Mu Daoyu looked at those who had experienced that incident back then, seeing the panic on the faces of the usually arrogant people, Mu Daoyu guessed it!
Those who experienced it back then, even when it was mentioned later, their expressions changed!
"Children..." What Cang Yuan is most worried about is the younger generation inside, which is almost the future of the entire world of cultivating immortals!
If people from that faction really came back, then what they... will do first is to destroy the future of the world of cultivating immortals as the first step of revenge!
"No, this matter cannot be delayed like this, let's go to Senior Ling." Mu Daoyu said firmly.

"But don't forget, Senior Ling has gone to play now, I don't know where he will be in the world of cultivating immortals, can you really find Senior Ling?" Cang Yuan asked.

Mu Daoyu closed his eyes and looked at Cang Yuan, "Then what should we do?"

Cang Yuan also took a deep breath. There is also his future at Linyuan Academy, so why not worry?

"Once the secret realm is opened, it won't be opened until the end... Even if you find Senior Ling back, it won't help. Look at those people, they are already getting anxious, isn't it because they haven't moved at all?" Cang Yuan told Mu Dao Yu looked at the others.

Cold sweat gradually fell on Mu Daoyu's forehead, "No matter what happens, we must tell Senior Ling about this matter. Senior Ling was the one who fought at the forefront with Senior Dongfang Lingyue back then. They should be familiar with those people! Moreover, we have to start taking precautions... As for the children, well... I can only wish them good luck..."

Mu Daoyu didn't know what to do, and was afraid that when the secret realm opened, no one would come out alive. If this was the case, then the world of cultivating immortals... would really be over!
(End of this chapter)

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