Peerless Princess: Pit Niang Meng Bao Monster Evil Father

Chapter 1457: Trouble in the Secret Realm 21

Chapter 1457: Trouble in the Secret Realm 21
From that day on, the young disciples in the secret realm began to be hunted down. The opponents were all from the realm of the Holy Spirit. The young disciples from all major forces must be invincible!

At this time, they finally believed everything Ximen Lin said before!
And among these people, all of them are in the realm of the holy spirit, obviously not Ye Rumu's group. Among Ye Rumu's group, except for Ye Wuqing who they don't know, there are only two people in the realm of the holy spirit!

At this moment, they regretted it, why didn't they stay by Ye Rumu and others' side, at least in this case there is still a possibility to fight against these people!

It's a pity that there is no time for them to regret it now, because they were hunted down, so they have no time to look for Ye Rumu and others.

The man in the black cloak didn't seem to be in a hurry to kill them, but chased them to a certain place gradually like teasing a cat.

Looking at the hill behind the mountain, the hearts of the young disciples went cold!

I haven't done anything all the time, is it because I want to trap them in one place so that I can do it?
At this time, everyone realized that there were no Twilight Academy and Ximen family members in the crowd!
Someone couldn't help but collapsed, and said in a trembling voice: "Maybe the Twilight Academy and the Ximen family have joined forces to kill us!"

"Impossible? We have no enmity with the Twilight Academy or the Ximen family!"

"Impossible? If impossible, why are they not here? Obviously, these people deliberately let the Twilight Academy and the Ximen family go!"

The crowd who said these words boiled over. At a critical moment, if they didn't see everyone going to die with them, it was probably because they were psychologically unbalanced!
The man in black and brocade robe curled his lips into a cold smile. If these people were honest and stayed by her side, he could spare their lives and commit suicide. Who is to blame?
"Maybe they're already dead..."

Someone also spoke.

"How is it possible? You know, they can walk freely in this secret realm!"

"You also said, people can walk freely, how could they be driven to this place like us like we are chasing mice?"

Suddenly, the person who spoke first was speechless.

No matter what the situation is now, all he thinks is that someone can come to save them!

At a certain corner of the secret realm, after Ye Wuqing arrived with everyone, he said, "We'll stay here for a while, so it's safer."

"What about the others? Do we not care?" Cang Yuan bit his lip and asked.

Watching others die helplessly, really... can't do it.

Mu Yan curled her lips, "Don't care about it, is it because you don't have the ability to manage it? Sister Rumu, Sister Wuqing, and Baili are all just promoted to the Holy Spirit, and they are not the opponents of those people. Besides, they are going to save those people Now, what if we encounter any danger? They left, what should we do if we encounter danger again?"

The meaning of Muyan's words is very simple, is it to watch others die, or to watch them die!
"That's right, we are not their opponents. This matter cannot be confronted head-on." Ye Rumu shook his head, saying that whether she is cold-blooded or ruthless, what does the life and death of other people have to do with her?Even if they are saved, others may not be grateful, but they will be suspicious. Why is there nothing wrong with their group?

It is better to do less thankless things.

(End of this chapter)

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