Peerless Princess: Pit Niang Meng Bao Monster Evil Father

Chapter 1458: Trouble in the Secret Realm 22

Chapter 1458: Trouble in the Secret Realm 22
"Those people are the most cruel. Let's go, just to die. It can't solve the problem at all." Ximen Lin also spoke.

Cang Yuan has never heard of the brutality of those people, hesitated for a while, and shut up, her own spiritual power can only be considered average in the secret realm, after all, there are many people with ultimate spiritual power, even Ye Rumu and others If she can't fight, she will go, and she will indeed die!
"Then... what should we do now?" Rouzhi looked at the crowd with a worried face, was there really nothing he could do?
"I don't worry about any of you going, why don't I go out and have a look." Ye Rumu looked at the crowd, unable to face them head-on, so he just observed in the dark.

But Ye Rumu had a strange feeling that no matter where they were hiding, those people could always find them!
"No!" Baili Yao was the first to disagree, and held Ye Rumu's hand tightly, fearing that Ye Rumu would rush out, "If they really plan to kill them all, it won't help if you go out! Be obedient, don't go!"

Others also advised Ye Rumu not to be impulsive.

So it suddenly fell into a stalemate again, because it was not the opponent on the opposite side, no matter what method they came up with, it was rejected!

Moreover, the most important thing is that they only know that there are many people on the other side, who can be distributed in every corner of the secret realm, but no one knows how many of them there are!

"Wuqing, how long will it take for the secret realm to be opened?" Ye Rumu can only put his hope on Ye Wuqing now, if he can almost get out, he will try his best to rescue people and escape from the exit!
Ye Wuqing did some calculations and said, "It's about the same time as the opening of the gate of the secret realm, but now the three months are almost up, maybe I can give it a try!"

"Where is the exit to open the secret realm?" Ye Rumu was overjoyed and asked immediately.

Ye Wuqing pointed to a certain corner of their hiding place, "It's inside, but I'm not sure if I can force it open in advance."

"Since this is the case, we used to rescue all the people who are still alive, no matter whether we can go out or not, it is always a good gamble!" Ye Rumu thought for a while and said.

Others also agreed, after all, if something happened to everyone, life would be difficult for the two of them after leaving the secret realm!
Ye Wuqing thought for a while and said, "Then let's all go out together, I'll be here alone."

"No! What if those people want to attack you!" Ye Rumu shook his head and frowned.

Ye Wuqing smiled indifferently, "If you want to do something to me, it doesn't matter how many people are left behind! I have the inheritance I left on me, don't worry, protect yourself, I still have no big problems!"

Seeing what Ye Wuqing said, Ye Rumu hesitated for a moment, told Ye Wuqing to be careful, and left with everyone.

"Where they are trapped or scattered, we are not sure, how to find them?" After coming out, looking at the huge secret place, Mu Yan was confused.

"Don't worry, I can find their location." After Ximen Lin finished speaking, he took out a five-element plate from the storage space, made gestures on it a few times, and immediately a rough map of the secret realm appeared!On the top, there are a few red dots, pointing to those red dots, Ximenlin said: "This is probably where they are, but what puzzles me is that the people in that organization,
(End of this chapter)

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