Chapter 1473 Recovering Snow Valley 1
Ye Rumu and Ye Wuqing quietly left the Twilight Academy without disturbing other people in the academy. Only a few people know about this matter. After all, Ye Rumu and Ye Wuqing are the main force of the Twilight Academy now, so the fewer people know about it The better they get out of the Twilight Academy.

Ye Rumu and Ye Wuqing were very fast, this time Ye Rumu coerced and lured Ganoderma lucidum into a flying mount and took them to Nuanxue Valley.

The Ganoderma lucidum carried Ye Rumu and Ye Wuqing halfway, looking at such a Ganoderma lucidum, Ye Rumu secretly said hypocritical!
Before reaching the range of Nuanxue Valley, he stopped to rest, and when he entered Nuanxue Valley, he flew to Nuanxue Valley in one go, avoiding being seen by others!

There is a small town not far from Nuanxue Valley, and the residents of the town occasionally appear near Nuanxue Valley, but they cannot see the entrance of Nuanxue Valley, and they cannot pass through it!

The place where Ganoderma lucidum is parked is above the small town outside Nuanxue Valley. The town is still as quiet as ever, and the residents of the town live a simple life. Although the spiritual power is not high, it is enough for life!
The weather is getting colder, and the residents are wearing warm clothes when they go out. In the past few years, in Nuanxue Valley, Ye Rumu almost forgot what winter feels like?

Ye Wuqing leaned against the pillar, her eyes showed envy, and said lightly: "I suddenly envy them. If our life is as simple as this, how good would it be?"

Live a lifetime in peace.

Ye Rumu smiled, "Wuqing, you were not an ordinary person before, what's the matter now?"

"It's nothing, I just feel that life is a bit often catches people off guard." Ye Wuqing also smiled, yes, she used to be a person who was never willing to be ordinary, but when they were in the 21st century, they were extraordinary. , The hatred is also great!
She and Ye Rumu are the best partners, because they can trust each other and put their lives in each other's hands.

Because of trust, the chances of completing tasks are greatly improved!

And Ye Rumu is much better than her, but she has never felt jealous, and she will be happy for Ye Rumu's progress.

But in such a place, even if it is good, so what?No matter how good you are... you still can't escape that prison...

"Hmm..." Having experienced a lot, Ye Rumu felt that her emotions would never be aroused by anything, and sometimes she even felt that she had lived for a long, long time and had already settled down.

"Ru Mu, if we hadn't met, you hadn't joined the organization, and you were just an ordinary little girl, how would you choose to live?" Ye Wuqing suddenly became very curious. She had never asked Ye Rumu these things before.

Because I used to think that in this life, apart from death, there is no other way to leave the organization, so I didn't have the courage to ask these words.

"If... I am a child loved by my parents? I will be like most children, go to school, after graduating from college, find a job, live a stable life, and then find a suitable person to fall in love with and get married. Have a baby, um... grow old together slowly. I may also have other ideas, for example, if I have any hobbies, I will be brave enough to fulfill my hobbies." Ye Rumu said,

(End of this chapter)

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