Chapter 1474 Recovering Snow Valley 2
As if seeing such a picture, the smile on his face was like a flower.

That suitable person became Baili Yao's face.

Well, she also felt that Baili Yao was the most suitable person for her!
Ye Wuqing tilted her head, thought for a while, and said: "This should be the life that most people will have to live, but if I didn't join the organization, I would choose this kind of life too!"

Ye Rumu smiled, sure enough, everyone wants to live a stable life.

"What are you talking about? Why can't I understand?" Lingzhi frowned, looking at Ye Rumu and Ye Wuqing with raised eyebrows.

"It's nothing, you won't understand if you tell me." Ye Rumu patted Lingzhi on the head.

Ye Wuqing chuckled, and then her face became heavy again. She thought that her future life could be spent peacefully, but now she suddenly said something...

"What's wrong? Your face suddenly looks so ugly?" Ye Rumu looked at Ye Wuqing worriedly, she was fine just now, what's wrong?
"It's okay, I just suddenly thought of people from the evil spirit organization..." Ye Wuqing didn't hide anything from Ye Rumu either.

"The boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge." Ye Rumu didn't know how to solve this problem, so he just said this.

The people organized by the evil spirits are all in the Holy Spirit Realm, but it is impossible to have as many people in the Immortal Cultivation Realm. However, one Holy Spirit Realm can deal with countless people below the Holy Spirit Realm!

Therefore, a large number of people is not an advantage!

"Now I can only think so." Ye Wuqing smiled bitterly, yes, now I can only think so.

There is no other way, they are not saviors!

"Actually, the person from the evil spirit organization is not so terrible, Wuqing, doesn't he listen to you the most about the evil spirit organization's rumors? Just persuade him! Don't fight against us, let them come from Where can I go back?" Lingzhi said carelessly.

The corners of Ye Wuqing's lips twitched violently, and she said speechlessly: "They must have some purpose in coming to the world of cultivating immortals. Now the purpose has not been achieved. Do you think it is possible for you to let them go back? It seems impossible at first glance. ! If they really will leave the world of cultivating immortals for me, they will not appear in the world of cultivating immortals!"

Judging from Ming Yan's reaction, it seems that she is not shocked at all about her affairs in the world of cultivating immortals. Does that mean Ming Yan already knew about it?
It is true to say so, but the hero is sad and beautiful, Wuqing, you are going to have some snacks, and I think that Ming Yan is also very good-looking, so it suits you! "

Ganoderma lucidum did not give up, and was still persuading Ye Wuqing.

As long as that Mingyan, the leader of the evil spirit organization in the world of cultivating immortals, listens to Ye Wuqing's pillow wind, maybe he will come from where and go back?
Lingzhi thought and nodded, this idea is really perfect!
Ye Wuqing stared at Ganoderma lucidum faintly, "You are also a woman, why don't you go?"

Ganoderma lucidum: "'s not me that people like, okay?"

Ganoderma lucidum simply stopped talking, it's really a child who can't be taught!
Ye Wuqing felt melancholy, Ming Yan...

Ye Rumu pursed her lips, not saying anything about Ming Yan.

After resting enough in the small town, Lingzhi continued to carry them to Nuanxue Valley without any complaints.

During the three years here, the three old men taught Ye Rumu how to get in and out, so the two of them and one beast quickly entered Nuanxue Valley.

"Nanxue Valley is still the same as before, it snows all day long,

(End of this chapter)

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