Chapter 1475 Recovering Snow Valley 3
But there is no coldness or dampness at all. Now that it is about to snow outside, this place is still exactly the same as before.

Ye Wuqing came to Nuanxue Valley for the first time, but I heard some things from Ye Rumu before, and now I see Nuanxue Valley, which is no different from what Ye Rumu said, and I am amazed again and again: "Nuanxue Valley, it is really a magical place. Place! It’s really snowing! No…”

Ye Wuqing stretched out her hand, and the snow passed directly through her hand, and she was surprised, "Is this snow just fake?"

"Half true, half false?" Ye Rumu stretched out his hand, caught a piece of snow, and placed it in front of Ye Wuqing. When the Buddha reached the ground, he was instantly submerged in thousands of snowflakes.

"Why can't I catch the snow?" Seeing that Ye Rumu caught it, Ye Wuqing stretched out her hand, wanting to catch another piece.

However, the result is still the same, I can't catch it!

"Maybe, they are not familiar with you!" Ye Rumu thought for a while, and he could only give such an explanation. When they came, they didn't try to reach out to take the snowflakes. For a while, they didn't know if it was because of Ye Wuqing. It's the first time, so there is no way to catch it?
"They? Are they alive?" Ye Wuqing was even more surprised. Who would have thought that these snowflakes would recognize people?
"I don't know, none of the three masters told me, but I think that everything in the world has its own spirituality, and they are no exception!" Ye Rumu explained, taking a snowflake and feeling it. There was a movement in his palm, and he looked at Xuehua in surprise and remained silent for a while.

Perhaps, there is really spirituality!

"Well, yes, everything in the world has its own life." Ye Wuqing nodded in agreement.

"Let's go in. I'll take you to see the three masters who taught me alchemy first. There is another one, Jing Xing Shangshen, who said he was my master in the fairy world. We will see him tomorrow."

"God Jing Xing?" Ye Wuqing looked at Ye Rumu in surprise and frowned, "Why did he appear here?"

"I don't know about this either. Last time I saw Shangshen Jing Xing, he didn't say anything."

"You call him Jing Xing Shangshen instead of Master. According to his arrogant temperament, he might get angry again and let you coax him!" Ye Wuqing smiled, subconsciously said these words, and after finishing speaking, she felt Something is wrong, "My memory... obviously doesn't have these things, why did these words just blurt out?"

"You just didn't remember everything, so he likes me to call him Master?" Ye Rumu was surprised, did she call Shangshen Jing Xing last time?

"Yeah, Jing Xing Shangshen is the most cold and arrogant god I have ever seen! Your Yang Yan Shangshen is only a bit domineering. Now that I see him, I feel that although the domineering spirit is not so obvious. It’s gone, but it still exists in its bones!” Ye Wuqing said.

Ye Rumu was stunned for a moment, "You haven't seen him when he was domineering."

"Really? Haha, God Yang Yan, when I stayed with you for a long time, God Yang Yan's paralyzed face became unhappy!" Ye Wuqing laughed heartlessly when thinking of this incident.

"Really? Even I'm jealous when I'm with you?" Thinking about it, I still think it's cute!

"Yes, I really don't know where so much jealousy comes from! Hahaha!" Ye Wuqing laughed, as if recalling some pictures.

"Rumu, you are really too, why didn't you leave some memories for yourself back then..."

(End of this chapter)

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