Peerless Princess: Pit Niang Meng Bao Monster Evil Father

Chapter 1485 Winning over the Shangguan Family 1

Chapter 1485 Winning over the Shangguan Family 1
"Yes! Young Master!" The evil spirit replied immediately.

People with evil spirits are very loyal, no matter what the young master orders, they will immediately agree unconditionally!
However, there were also people with dark colors at the feet of the sleeves of the black robe who stood up and reminded: "Young master, don't forget the business!"

"My young master has never forgotten! You don't need to remind me!" Ming Yan coldly glanced at the person who stood up and pretended to be clever to remind him.

When did he need a reminder?

I really don't know how to live or die!

The man who stood up saw that Ming Yan was angry, and quickly said: "Young master, don't be angry, this subordinate is just afraid that the young master will forget! And...Young master, who is that woman, and why have you been protecting her?"

Ming Yan glanced at the man, "Elder Yu, I hope you can ask less about things you shouldn't ask!"

This elder was sent by his father to supervise him, so he can't do too much!

But protecting the cool bamboo is something that must be done!

Elder Yu frowned. Could this woman be the young master's sweetheart?

But, didn't the future young lady choose his daughter Xin'er long ago?

no!He had to inform Xin'er of this matter immediately!

The business that Elder Yu said was to subdue some of the more influential forces in the world of cultivating immortals.

Although these influential forces are ridiculously weak in Ming Yan's eyes, because he came to the world of cultivating immortals, only the Holy Spirit was left with his spiritual power suppressed.

Although the upper limit of spiritual power in the world of cultivating immortals is the gods, but the gods cannot stay in the world of cultivating immortals for long, so they can only be suppressed by the Holy Spirit.

Even though it is only the Holy Spirit, he is also the top Holy Spirit powerhouse!He can easily deal with the Holy Spirit at the same level, after all, his real strength is not the Holy Spirit!
To subdue people's hearts in turn, what Ming Yan likes most is to find those who are bullying and afraid of being tough. After all, he doesn't care whether they are loyal enough or not, and whether they will betray in the future. Those are not within the scope of Ming Yan's consideration.

Because of their affairs, it is impossible to disclose them to people in the world of cultivating immortals!

The first person Ming Yan found was the Shangguan family!
Ming Yan led people to appear on the Shangguan family's territory, and the corners of Ming Yan's lips twitched slightly as he hovered above the air. I believe that soon, someone will notice their arrival.

At this moment, the ancestors of the Shangguan family who had been in closed doors suddenly opened their eyes!A flash of fear flashed in his eyes!
At this moment, within the range of Shangguan's house, there is an aura familiar to Shangguan's ancestors, which is... an evil spirit!
Shangguan Rui, the ancestor of the Shangguan family, couldn't sit still any longer, stood up suddenly, and walked out of a closed room, which was a secret room for thousands of years!
When the ancestor came out of the mountain, everyone in the Shangguan family was shocked!
It was also at this time that the Shangguan's family discovered that there were many strange people suddenly appearing outside.

Could this be the reason why the ancestor left customs?

Seeing the old ancestor flying outside anxiously, members of Shangguan's family followed suit one after another.

This matter soon alarmed the Shangguan Patriarch, Shangguan Orphan and Shangguan Mu, and the three of them ran towards the periphery.

When the members of Shangguan's family went out and saw the evil spirits, they were so frightened that they forgot to move and stood stiffly behind Shangguan Rui.

At this moment, no one remembered to say hello to Shangguan Rui!

When the head of the Shangguan family came out with a pair of children, he saw such a scene.

The person who saw the evil spirit on the opposite side suddenly felt a sense of crisis in his heart!

(End of this chapter)

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