Peerless Princess: Pit Niang Meng Bao Monster Evil Father

Chapter 1486 Winning over the Shangguan Family 2

Chapter 1486 Winning over the Shangguan Family 2
Even if the Shangguan family has their ancestors, they may not be able to win!
"Grandfather." Shangguan Ding walked to Shangguan Rui's side and shouted.

Shangguan Rui looked back at Shangguan Ding and nodded in satisfaction.

Among so many young juniors, he was the only one who dared to lean over, and he was not too scared to speak!
"You are Shangguan Ding, the current head of the Shangguan family, right?" Shangguan sharply looked at Shangguan Ding. When he was retreating, Shangguan Ding was only a little bit small!
"Yes, grandfather." Shangguan Ding replied respectfully. It could be seen that Shangguan Rui was somewhat satisfied with him!

Shangguan Ding was secretly delighted, after all, in the past, Shangguan Rui was a god-like existence in Shangguan Ding's heart!
"My young master thinks that you can let go of the matter of meeting relatives and reminiscing about the old days." Ming Yan looked at Shangguan Rui and Shangguan Ding expressionlessly.

Thousands of years ago, he did not participate in the world of cultivating immortals, but in comparison, Shangguan Rui was no stranger to evil spirits!
Shangguan Rui's heart was already heavy when he saw the evil spirits, but now that young man actually claimed to be the young master!

Shangguan Rui's face suddenly darkened, so the young master of the evil spirit has also come?
As long as he thinks about what happened before, Shangguan Rui is full of vigilance!

"Shangguan Rui, have you forgotten what happened back then?" Elder Yu said in a timely manner.

Shangguan Rui's face changed. He wanted to forget what happened back then, but he couldn't forget it!That's why I continue to use the excuse of retreat, shutting myself down for thousands of years!
"It doesn't matter if you don't speak. If you don't want us to tell that matter, you'd better submit to us!" Elder Yu didn't shy away from so many people present, and directly expressed his request.

"You think beautifully!" There are many words, Shangguan Rui said in front of his children and grandchildren's back, it is difficult to say, but now, the evil spirits are really too deceiving!
Ming Yan sneered, and directly whispered into Shangguan Rui's ear, "What a good idea? Then we don't mind, and we will reveal all the scandalous things you did before."

Shangguan Rui's wrinkled and bearded face suddenly became ugly!
However, because of the cover on his face, no one could see how ugly Shangguan Rui's face was!

Shangguan Ding hurriedly asked: "Grandfather, what is going on? What do they... mean?"

"It's not interesting, Ding'er, don't ask about things you shouldn't ask!" Shangguan Rui refused to answer in a blunt tone.

Shangguan Ding had no choice but to lower his head, and replied: "Yes, grandfather, I understand!"

The Patriarch of the Shangguan family who can only be looked up to at ordinary times, now lowers his eyebrows in front of Shangguan Rui, makes everyone feel incredible, but think about it, who is the ancestor, that is the entire Shangguan family, even the world of cultivating immortals Look up to the existence!

"Shangguan Rui, you should know that you are not my young master's match against head-to-head." Ming Yan glanced at the standing Shangguan family members, and basically all those who could come ran over. You can kill them with your fingers!
"There are so many of us, how can we still be afraid that you will fail!" Shangguan Qing couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted angrily.

Ming Yan just glanced at him lightly and ignored him.

Shangguan Qing's face froze, and he rushed towards Ming Yan without saying a word!

In his hand, there is a spiritual halo that only belongs to high-level spiritual power!
(End of this chapter)

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