Chapter 1517 Yu Xiner 1
No one knows Yu Xiner, Yu Xiner thinks it is not difficult to mix into the Twilight Academy, but she is now in the realm of the Holy Spirit, which is very strong in the world of cultivating immortals, so there is no need to go to an academy for such a realm An ordinary student.

Yu Xin'er's eyes lit up, she could directly suppress her spiritual power to the elementary level!
As soon as she thought of it, Yu Xiner quickly sat down and meditated, trying to suppress her spiritual power with her magic power.

After making sure that no one would see her through, Yu Xiner happily headed towards the Twilight Academy.

Yu Xiner knocked on the door, and the person who opened the door was a student who had just joined the Twilight Academy, seeing Yu Xiner, she was taken aback by Yu Xiner's cute face, and then asked: "May I ask what you want? "

"I want to join Twilight Academy." Yu Xiner looked at the students in front of her and said coldly.

The student was taken aback. This girl said that she wanted to join the Twilight Academy, not that she wanted to join the Twilight Academy. Obviously, it is inevitable?

"Well, I don't care what I say, but you can come in with me and take you to see the dean." After looking at Yu Xiner for a while, she said.

"Okay, take me to see your dean." Yu Xiner nodded, she knew her talent herself!

And because she wanted to attract the attention of the dean and the woman named Ye Wuqing, it was impossible for her to hide her talent and just be an ordinary school girl.

At the gate of Mu Daoyu's courtyard, Yu Xiner raised her eyebrows and walked in without the slightest fear.

The person who brought Yu Xiner glanced at Yu Xiner, shook his head and left. In the past, he brought some people who wanted to join the Twilight Academy, but those people were more or less nervous, and Yu Xin'er, however, had a face full of confidence.

Does it mean that this girl is very sure?
Yu Xin'er went up to knock on the door, feeling strange, the dignified dean, why is he in his yard all day long?
The door opened soon, and the front of Mu Daoyu's courtyard was a place for entertaining guests. Seeing Yu Xiner's unfamiliar face, Mu Daoyu knew that she must have come to join Twilight Academy.

Because there is only Mu Daoyu as the dean in the college, and there are no elders, and the recruitment and interviews are all done by Mu Daoyu, and Mu Daoyu remembers who he has met.

Recruitment is generally only in accordance with his standards.

"Girl, are you here to join the Twilight Academy?" Mu Daoyu asked directly when he saw Yu Xiner.

Yu Xin'er didn't ink, nodded, and asked: "I don't know what kind of talent I have, so I can join your academy?"

Generally joining other forces, talent is the first line of admission.

Yu Xiner is very confident about this point, so this is also what she asked.

Mu Daoyu glanced at Yu Xiner, stood up, and said, "Come with me."

Mu Daoyu took Yu Xin'er to Zangshu Pavilion, where there was a stone with a talent for testing.

"Since the girl asked about talent, as long as the girl's talent reaches the admission threshold, the girl can stay in the Twilight Academy." Mu Daoyu explained.

Even though the Twilight Academy hadn't been established before, Mu Daoyu still has a set of standards for recruiting people. It is not necessary to practice, but the talent must pass the test!

After all, Twilight Academy cannot afford to support so many idlers.

Yu Xiner nodded, looked at the stone, walked over confidently and skillfully, and put her hand on the stone.

The surroundings of the stone were suddenly filled with light green light!
(End of this chapter)

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