Chapter 1518 Yu Xiner 2
And the light will actually become stronger and stronger!

Mu Daoyu frowned, and checked the spiritual power of Yu Xin'er, only to find that it was only a beginner level!

"The girl's talent is very good, but according to the girl's talent, at this age, it is more reasonable to have reached an advanced level or the ultimate spiritual power."

Yu Xiner raised her eyebrows, "It is precisely because there is no one to guide me, that's why I have been hovering at the elementary level, and I have never known what my talent is like, but someone said that my talent is not bad, so I am a Thinking about coming to the Twilight Academy."

The level of spiritual power is indeed not linked to talent at the beginning, and it is fortunate that there is no one to guide and not take detours.

That's why there are so many academies and sects, in order to guide the younger generation to make good use of their talents, and double their cultivation speed.

"Why did the girl choose Twilight Academy? She must know everything about Twilight Academy." Mu Daoyu looked at Yu Xiner sharply, waiting for Yu Xiner's answer.

Yu Xiner complained in her heart, isn't this old man talking too much?

However, Yu Xiner still answered seriously, "Because other academies only care about the spiritual power when they join. If the spiritual power is not enough, they don't care about my talent at all. After all, you said I My talent is not bad, but I am indeed only a low-level spiritual power, with such a good talent, my spiritual power is only a low-level, no matter how you look at it, it is impossible to have no problems at all, and it is expected that others are worried."

"Okay, since that's the case, you can stay." Mu Daoyu nodded, he didn't want to miss such a talent.

"Thank you Dean!" Yu Xiner stood up and thanked her.

Although she had expected it a long time ago, Yu Xiner still pretended to be very happy!
At least that way it wouldn't raise suspicions.

"This old man will take you to find your elder sister Muyan. Muyan will arrange your residence in the academy." Mu Daoyu explained to Yu Xiner, stood up and walked outside.

Suddenly remembered that I seemed to have missed something, turned around, "What's your name?"

"Dean, my name is Yu Xiner." Yu Xiner gave her name generously. Anyway, no one in the world of cultivating immortals knows her, so she is not afraid to use her real name!
"Okay, Xiner, come with the old man." Mu Daoyu nodded, and took Yu Xiner out.

Every time Mu Daoyu brings someone to find Muyan, Muyan knows that this must be someone who just joined the Twilight Academy again!

Seeing Mu Daoyu, Mu Yan couldn't help complaining: "Master, can we set up a special recruiting place? You can't just look at it every time and bring it to me, right? Besides, I am also busy!"

After there were too many people, Muyan's management was a little bit overwhelmed, after all, she still needed to practice!

"Well, you're right. I'll let Mu Da do the job of recruiting people in the future. However, after thinking about it as a teacher, only you are the most suitable for this arrangement." Mu Daoyu looked at his little girl with a smile. apprentice.

Muyan rolled her eyes, well, who made her unlucky.

"Okay, master, go back, I know how to do it." Muyan waved her hand, now the most fearful thing is seeing Mu Daoyu.

After Mu Daoyu left, Muyan looked at Yu Xiner, um, a very beautiful girl.

"Sister, what's your name?" Muyan showed her most beautiful smile, trying to make the girl not afraid when she came to a strange environment.

(End of this chapter)

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