Chapter 1520 Yu Xiner 4
This... is Ye Wuqing?

The woman that the young master cared about that father mentioned?
Regardless of what will happen to Ye Wuqing, Yu Xiner reflexively became hostile to Ye Wuqing!
And after looking at her again, Yu Xiner's complexion is not very good, Ye Wuqing is very beautiful!Yu Xiner, who has always been confident in the beauty, has a feeling of being invincible!

"What's wrong with you?" Seeing that Yu Xin'er's complexion was not very good, Ye Wuqing frowned and asked.

Yu Xiner shook her head again and again, "No, it's nothing, hello, my name is Yu Xiner, I will trouble you today."

"Well, no trouble, let's go." Ye Wuqing said, walking ahead first.

Yu Xiner watched Ye Wuqing's back for a while, then followed.

"In the eyes of others, the Twilight Academy has no future, but in my opinion, the Academy is more humane than other places, you will know after staying for a long time, and ah, our Twilight Academy is not There is no future, but let's keep a low profile! Don't listen to the nonsense of people outside." Ye Wuqing racked her brains to let Yu Xiner stay at ease, but don't be scared away!
But Ye Wuqing had never done such a thing, and it was a bit awkward to say it.

"Well, Twilight Academy is very good." The corners of Yu Xiner's lips twitched, and she said a lie.

If it wasn't for Ye Wuqing, Yu Xiner wouldn't have come.

Because the dean looks unreliable at first glance!
Hearing Yu Xiner's praise, Ye Wuqing immediately nodded repeatedly, a child can be taught!
"By the way, you can practice with us in the future. The dean has long since stopped teaching." Ye Wuqing had to complain about Mu Daoyu's laziness on this point!
But because of the recent incidents of evil spirits, Mu Daoyu was also exhausted mentally and physically, and it was normal that he didn't have the energy to take care of it.

"Okay." Yu Xiner nodded, and then asked, "Is it because of the emergence of the Evil Spirit Sect?"

"Evil Spirit Sect? How do you know they are called Evil Spirit Sect?" Ye Wuqing frowned. Only people in the fairy world know about the Evil Spirit Sect. In the world of cultivating evil spirits, people with evil spirits either directly call them evil spirits or call them "evil spirits." It's right to be organized by evil spirits!

"Isn't it? I just think it's easier to shout like this, and I don't know anything about evil spirits. I just heard someone mention it when I passed by." Yu Xiner thumped, but she explained calmly .

Ye Wuqing frowned slightly, temporarily believing Yu Xiner's explanation.

"Well, indeed, evil spirits are the common enemy of the world of cultivating immortals. During this time, if there is nothing important to do, don't go out." Ye Wuqing urged.

Yu Xiner nodded obediently, but the purpose of her coming was not for this!
"Well, Miss Wuqing, I want to ask, do you have someone you like?"

Yu Xiner's words attracted Ye Wuqing's inquiring gaze, as if asking, why did she ask her such a question for no reason?

Yu Xiner also knew that her question was too abrupt, so she first explained her intention for asking, "I'm just curious, Miss Wuqing doesn't need to answer me."

Ye Wuqing looked away and smiled, "I haven't met yet, Xin'er, do you have someone you like?"

Yu Xiner nodded, originally thought that picking up Ye Wuqing would be full of hatred and would make her very angry, but when she actually saw her, it was completely different from what she thought at first.

"Yes, he is my fiancé. We have been engaged since we were young."

(End of this chapter)

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