Chapter 1521 Yu Xiner 5
When Yu Xiner talked about her fiancé, a soft smile appeared on her face.

Seeing Yu Xiner's smile, Ye Wuqing pursed her lips. Yu Xiner must be very happy, right?

Ye Wuqing took Yu Xiner around the entire Twilight Academy and sent Ye Wuqing back to her room.

"Miss Wuqing, thank you." Yu Xiner sincerely thanked you.

Regardless of whether Ye Wuqing and the young master have any special relationship, Yu Xiner feels pretty good about Ye Wuqing after getting along for a long time.

There is also the most terrible feeling, that she feels that she is not as good as Ye Wuqing...


Obviously Ye Wuqing is just an ordinary cultivator, and obviously, she is the god of the fairy world...

The moment she saw Ye Wuqing's appearance, Yu Xiner felt a sense of inferiority in her heart.

It's not that she's not beautiful, but the moment she saw Ye Wuqing, Yu Xin'er only felt her eyes brighten. Although she wasn't the most beautiful woman she had ever seen, it gave her a thrilling feeling of beauty.

And after getting along, Ye Wuqing has a very good personality.

Yu Xiner shook her head violently, and sighed, why did she take the initiative to praise her opponent?

Ye Wuqing is her opponent!
Yes, that's right, as long as Ye Wuqing and Ming Yan are unclear, they are her rivals in love.

Yu Xiner doesn't talk much, she practices with everyone all day long, but she basically doesn't talk to others.

Everyone in the Twilight Academy knows about Yu Xiner's existence, but they are not familiar with Yu Xiner. The main reason is that Yu Xiner's appearance and talent are so outstanding that it's hard not to notice her.

Yu Xiner kept inquiring about Ye Wuqing, but finally she only knew that Ye Wuqing appeared in Twilight Academy three years ago. Ye Wuqing and Ye Rumu had a very good relationship, and it was Ye Rumu who brought her back. They also stayed with Ye Rumu Muyan and the others. Originally, she had no chance to get in touch with Ye Wuqing. It happened that Muyan asked Ye Wuqing that day, so Ye Wuqing came to take her to the Twilight Academy.

Having been in the Twilight Academy for a long time, when Yu Xiner heard that there was a man who just came like her, she was stunned for a moment.

Then it suddenly occurred to me, wouldn't that be a word?
Yu Xiner's heart skipped a beat. When she came to Xiuxian Realm, she didn't see Ming Yan, but her father said, Ming Yan always likes to appear beside Ye Wuqing, could it be Ming Yan?
Yu Xiner started to panic, and she didn't have such a deep impression of Ye Wuqing anymore.

Originally, Yu Xin'er would not intentionally get close to Ye Wuqing and those people. After all, Ye Wuqing and others were separated from ordinary students. It was not so easy for ordinary students to meet the first batch of people in Twilight Academy.

But now, Yu Xiner began to wander around the Twilight Academy deliberately, and finally one time, Yu Xiner saw Ye Wuqing, and Ye Wuqing was indeed accompanied by a man.

Ye Wuqing looked at Yan An next to her, and frowned. Yan An was good everywhere, but why did he always like to follow her?
Ye Wuqing couldn't understand.

Every time I asked Yan An, Yan An answered very generously: "I like you, wherever you go, you can go there."

Regarding Yan An's behavior of pestering her to confess and tease her at every turn, Ye Wuqing was already very calm.

Bai Baiyan glanced at Yan'an, curled his lips and said, "Really, you can go wherever I go?"

"Yeah." Yan An nodded seriously.

That serious look made Ye Wuqing feel a little cute...

Why do you think a big man is cute!

(End of this chapter)

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