Chapter 1522 Yu Xiner 6
"Don't follow me." Ye Wuqing frowned, locked herself in the room and practiced for a while, and unexpectedly ran into Yan'an as soon as she went out!
She doesn't want to leave now, because it's been locked up for too long, and Ye Wuqing wants to take a stroll.

But Yanan...

"Do you have nothing to do?" Ye Wuqing gave Yan An a blank look, although the cultivators really have nothing else to do except practice.

And the evil spirit has been silent recently, otherwise Ye Wuqing would have to ask Mu Daoyu to throw Yan An to deal with the evil spirit!
"Yes." Ming Yan nodded solemnly, his eyes darkened.

"What is it?" Ye Wuqing subconsciously followed Ming Yan's answer and asked.

"Follow you, protect you." Ming Yan grinned.

Although it wasn't a very outstanding appearance, it made Ye Wuqing dazzled all of a sudden.

Eyes flickered, Ye Wuqing sighed lightly, her heart skipped a beat just now...

Ye Wuqing has never asked about Yan An, she frowned, she is a person who would never take the initiative to ask other people's private affairs, if before, Ye Wuqing could investigate by herself if she wanted to know, but now it is different, there is no computer, Without black technology, it cannot be found.

Yu Xiner kept looking at Ye Wuqing and Yan An, frowning, the man who was brought back halfway was this man, right?

It wasn't Ming Yan, it made Yu Xiner feel more at ease.

She didn't detect any aura about Ming Yan from Yan An's body. Yu Xiner saw it with her own eyes, and she finally felt at ease. As long as it wasn't Ming Yan, no matter who Ye Wuqing was with, it had nothing to do with her.

She has achieved her goal, and she already knows about Ye Wuqing, so there is no need for Yu Xiner to stay in Twilight Academy.

Left Twilight Academy that day.

Yu Xiner has always kept a low profile in the Twilight Academy, but because of her talent and beauty, there are many people who pay attention to her, so the news of Yu Xiner's disappearance will soon be known to everyone!

Through everyone's investigation, it was found that Yu Xiner's things were taken away, so that means Yu Xiner left by herself?
Who the hell is Yu Xiner?

And when Yu Xiner left, she didn't alarm anyone. If she went out through the gate normally, she would definitely alarm others.

But Yu Xiner didn't!
And Yu Xiner, who only has elementary spiritual power, is unable to walk from such a high city wall, so how did she leave?
After all, he was also from the Twilight Academy, so Mu Daoyu couldn't be irresponsible, and had been sending people to look for Yu Xiner.

But Yu Xiner seemed to have disappeared, there was no news of Yu Xiner in the world of cultivating immortals!
Without any news of Yu Xiner, everyone can only stop looking for Yu Xiner for the time being.

When Ye Wuqing heard it, she raised her eyebrows in surprise. If Yu Xiner really came to learn art, why did she leave?If he didn't want to leave, how could things be packed so neatly?

Ever since Ye Wuqing came out of cultivation that day, Yan An has followed Ye Wuqing tightly like a little tail. No matter what Ye Wuqing said, Yan An just acted like I don't understand, so I won't leave you.

Ye Wuqing helped her forehead, she could only admit defeat and let Yan An follow her.

Yan An himself has his own measure, except for following Ye Wuqing's step and not being able to make concessions, the rest of the matter,

(End of this chapter)

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