Chapter 1524 Yu Xiner 8
"The young master is not by Ye Wuqing's side, and Ye Wuqing said that he has no one he likes, and the young master didn't know her before, maybe there is something hidden? It is impossible for the young master to like her just after meeting her, right? And there are other men beside Ye Wuqing." Yu Xiner only hoped that Ye Wuqing would be with Yan An soon, so that she could sit back and relax.

No, it's just a temporary peace of mind.

You must know that Ming Yan's charm is not hidden. When he was in the fairy world, he knew that Ming Yan would often go to find a fairy, but before Yu Xiner had time to check who the fairy was, Ming Yan stopped going.

If Ming Yan doesn't go, the fairy will naturally not be able to influence Yu Xin'er, besides the fairy, there are also women in the evil spirit sect, which one is not staring at Ming Yan?
I just wish that Yu Xin'er made a mistake so that those people could take over!
Although Yu Xin'er is soft-hearted and kind, she is not innocent, so no one has been able to pull her away from Ming Yan's fiancee.

This time, when I heard that Ming Yan was entangled with a woman from the world of cultivating immortals, my first reaction was to get angry and want to take them apart, but when I came here, I found that it was not what she thought, so Yu Xiner didn't let go. It's on my mind.

Although she has been by Ming Yan's side for a very long time, Yu Xiner does not understand Ming Yan, so at this time, Yu Xiner has no idea where Ming Yan has gone, and can only ask her father up.

"Father, where do you think the young master is most likely to go? It stands to reason that people in the world of cultivating immortals can't do anything to the young master, so the young master is the only one who hides and doesn't want anyone to find him." Thinking of this possibility, Yu Xin'er is a little disappointed, who is the young master hiding from?
"Xin'er, although my father has been watching the young master grow up since he was young, you understand the young master's temperament. Father doesn't know where the young master will go at all." Elder Yu shook his head. It is the place that the young master wants to go, there is no place that the young master can't go, and, the young master usually goes out and doesn't like people to follow him.

"Okay." Yu Xiner was a little frustrated, but she also understood that Ming Yan's whereabouts were weird, as long as he deliberately concealed it, no one would be able to find out!

This is also the reason why Elder Yu has been unable to find Ming Yan's whereabouts.

"Xin'er, don't think too much. In the world of cultivating immortals, the young master is a little closer to Ye Wuqing. Since you have nothing to do with Ye Wuqing, then you don't have to worry. It's time for you and the young master to hold a wedding. When you return In the fairy world, father will go and report to the leader and ask the leader to preside over it for you personally!" Elder Yu always felt that he was not at ease, and the only way to make himself feel at ease was Ming Yan and Yu Xiner getting married!
Yu Xiner lowered her head with a shy smile, imagining the scene of marrying Ming Yan in her mind.

The wedding with the Young Master of the Evil Spirit Sect is so beautiful, just thinking about it makes Yu Xiner full of excitement.

And there is no need to worry about Ming Yan being hooked up by other people anymore. In the fairy world, the fairy couple must be absolutely loyal to the other half!

Seeing Yu Xiner happy, Elder Yu was even more happy.

Due to Ming Yan's absence, the original plan was temporarily delayed, and Elder Yu kept sending signals to recall Ming Yan.

Every time Ming Yan saw it, he calmly ignored it.

He used Shameless and Invincible Under Heaven's trick, and finally he was able to stay by Ye Wuqing's side. Those people always find ways to destroy him and Liangzhu!Unforgivable!
(End of this chapter)

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