Chapter 1525 Testing Yanan 1
The evil spirit did not move, and the world of cultivating immortals seemed to have returned to the peaceful days before, but everyone knew in their hearts that this was just the calm before the storm!

Ming Yan looked at Ye Wuqing with more and more complicated expressions in his eyes, he didn't know how he would face Ye Wuqing in the future.

Ye Wuqing can't recognize his true identity yet, but what about when Ye Wuqing recovers her previous memory?At that time, Ye Wuqing will definitely recognize him, and at that time, Ye Wuqing will definitely stay away from him, right?

Yes, she must be very repulsive to him.

When she was in the fairyland, she was like this, and she would rather suffer from reincarnation than stay in the fairyland.

Now Ming Yan's every day with Ye Wuqing is as careful and precious as if it was stolen.

He doesn't know if there is a future, but now he will cherish the time spent with Ye Wuqing every day.

And gradually accepted that the current Ye Wuqing is not Liangzhu.

When Ye Rumu brought Ye Xiaoye over, he saw Ye Wuqing and Yan An sitting on the side practicing in peace.

Ye Rumu lowered his head, patted Ye Xiaoye's head, pointed at Yan'an and said, "Go, help mother to find out."

"Why don't you go?" Ye Xiaoye frowned, looking at Ye Rumu dissatisfied.

"You are men, you have more topics to talk about." Ye Rumu replied solemnly.

Ye Xiaoye: "..." If you want to enslave him, just say so, and find such a high-sounding reason, besides, he is still a teenager!

Although Ye Xiaoye was reluctant, he still resigned to his fate and went up.

Ming Yan was very vigilant, the moment Ye Xiaoye approached him, he quietly opened his eyes and looked at Ye Xiaoye.

This little boy, if I remember correctly, is Rosemary's son in this life.

A daze flashed in Ming Yan's eyes, even Rosemary's son was already this old.

"Uncle, let's have a chat." Ye Xiaoye approached Ming Yan familiarly, and said with a smile.

Because he and Rosemary had been friends in the previous life, Ming Yan didn't reject Ye Xiaoye, so he nodded his head in agreement.

Ye Xiaoye didn't want to go around in circles, and asked directly: "Uncle Yan'an, do you like Sister Wuqing?"

In fact, Yan An has never concealed his thoughts, but he has never revealed it in front of outsiders.

Ming Yan looked at Ye Xiaoye's innocent eyes, and innocently asked him if he liked Ye Wuqing.

Ming Yan just paused, and quickly replied: "That's right, I like Wuqing."

"Why do you like it?" Ye Xiaoye frowned, unable to figure it out: "You haven't known Sister Wuqing for long, and my mother said that when you first came to Twilight Academy, you didn't pay much attention to Sister Wuqing. many."

Ye Xiaoye was talking, and suddenly stared at Ming Yan vigilantly, "You can't be, are there any conspiracy?"

"Have you ever heard of love at first sight?" Ming Yan reached out and touched the top of Ye Xiaoye's head.

Ming Yan pursed his lips, so Ye Rumu had observed his attitude towards Ye Wuqing a long time ago?No wonder Ye Xiaoye asked.

"Doesn't love at first sight only appear in story books? My father and mother have such a good relationship and love each other so much. It wasn't love at first sight." Ye Xiaoye shook his head and looked at Ming Yan in confusion.

"Oh? Really? How do you know that your parents didn't fall in love at first sight?"

(End of this chapter)

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