Chapter 1526 Testing Yanan 2
Ming Yan wanted to change the subject, but since Yang Yan and Rosemary were an enviable couple in his previous life, he really wanted to know how they got back together in a completely strange situation after being separated. of?

"My parents, of course, I was there when my parents met. At that time, my father was seriously injured, and my mother rescued him. Ah, no, it was me and my mother who saved my father together. Come down, mother is the third lady of the Ye family, father is the regent, later the emperor gave them a marriage, and they fell in love after getting along with each other!" Ye Xiaoye explained with his hands on his chin.

Ming Yan frowned, "Isn't your biological father Baili Yao?"

"Yes, mother said yes, and father also said yes." Ye Xiaoye pouted, because of this, many people said that he was not Baili Yao's biological son.

Seeing that Ye Xiaoye looks so similar to Baili Yao, Ming Yan also feels that there is nothing to doubt.

But in the final analysis, Ming Yan is still very envious of Baili Yao and Ye Rumu, they have achieved that no matter where the other goes, the other half will go there, and they can know each other and love each other.

And he and Liangzhu...

Thinking about it, Ming Yan's gaze sank.

Ye Xiaoye felt a little scary, quickly stepped back a few steps, and looked at Ming Yan cautiously.

Ming Yan came back to his senses, seeing Ye Xiaoye's frightened expression, he was stunned for a moment, every time he complained about the injustice of fate, he couldn't control the gloom in his body.

"Uncle, are you okay?" Ye Xiaoye asked cautiously.

After he reached the ultimate spiritual power, he couldn't break through the holy spirit. It might be because he was too young, so he couldn't beat Yan An at this moment!
Ming Yan shook his head, "Sorry, I scared you."

"It's all right. But, uncle, have you known Sister Wuqing for a long time?" Ye Xiaoye had a feeling that Yan An definitely didn't fall in love with Ye Wuqing at first sight!
Ming Yan's eyes flickered slightly, and he looked away, "Why do you ask that?"

"Just thinking about it casually." Ye Xiaoye blinked, and seemed unwilling to say, so he guessed right, right?What a genius he is!
Ming Yan took a deep breath, yes, it wasn't love at first sight, nor was it just a short time ago.

Rather, they have known each other for thousands of years!

In ten thousand years, many things can be changed, and everything can be completely changed.

It seems that everything that happened in the past can be erased.

Ming Yan ignored Ye Xiaoye and seemed to be lost in his own thoughts.

Ye Xiaoye felt bored, but his mother and Sister Wuqing hadn't finished chatting yet, and he couldn't leave for the time being, so the older and the younger sat in a daze.

Ming Yan didn't know that Rosemary asked her son to watch him, and Ming Yan couldn't hear what she and Liang Zhu were talking about.

Would love to hear that too though.


Ye Wuqing discovered Ye Rumu the first time she came. For Ye Rumu, Ye Wuqing was too familiar with her. As long as Ye Rumu appeared, Ye Wuqing would be able to guess it was her.

"Why are you here?" Ye Wuqing opened his eyes and stopped practicing.

"Come and see you."

"I have something to look at."

"I heard that there is an extra follower beside you." Ye Rumu looked at Ye Wuqing teasingly.

Ye Wuqing didn't hide anything, shrugged her shoulders and said, "Yeah, I'm still a follower who can't get rid of me."

Ye Rumu looked back at Yan An,
(End of this chapter)

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