Peerless Princess: Pit Niang Meng Bao Monster Evil Father

Chapter 1539 Searching for Spirit Veins 11

Chapter 1539 Searching for Spirit Veins 11
And from Yu Xiner's words, Ming Yan doesn't seem to be an evil spirit?

"It turns out that Yu Xin'er is a person of evil spirits. No wonder I met her that day, and I always felt that something was wrong with her, but I couldn't tell what was wrong." Ye Wuqing finally knew where those strange feelings came from.

"Yu Xiner is really an evil spirit... What is her purpose of infiltrating the Twilight Academy?" Ye Rumu didn't understand. A girl whose spiritual power was suppressed went to the Twilight Academy alone. Is it for fun?
However, once discovered, life-threatening dangers follow!

"It seems that after I go back, I have to tell the dean that we don't want to recruit any more students during this period. The evil spirits may continue to send people in." not close to their core.

"That's right, Yu Xiner seems to be looking for spiritual veins, how about we follow her to see if we can find where the evil spirits are stronghold!" Ye Wuqing asked Ye Rumu tentatively, she is still used to listening to many things. Ye Rumu's.

But Ye Rumu shook his head and said, "No, if you follow her to the stronghold of the evil spirits, you know where the stronghold is, but whether you come back with your life is another matter..."

"Then what are we going to do with Yu Xiner?" Ye Wuqing blinked. Now that she knew Yu Xiner's identity and that Yu Xiner was looking for her spiritual veins, it would be no good if she didn't follow her to the evil spirit's stronghold. followed.

"Let's see where Yu Xiner is going next." Ye Rumu smiled.

Ye Wuqing nodded, their appearance at this moment made Ye Wuqing think of them back then in a trance.

Yu Xiner turned around and found that she couldn't find any clues, she curled her lips and decided to go to the next location.

At this moment, there are still many people in Xianyin Mountain who are persevering in their search without giving up, because there are still many people who think that Xianyin Mountain is the place with the strongest spiritual power, how could the spiritual veins let it go?
"I don't know what the spirit vein is!"

"The head said that the spirit veins can change anything, but we have touched everything we encountered along the way, and there is nothing unusual about it."

"That's why it's not in Xianyin Mountain anymore. Besides, isn't there an expert living on Xianyin Mountain? Who dares to go up and disturb it!"

"Will the spirit vein be on the top? Everyone dare not go up, if the spirit vein is not sure, just hide on it!"

"Come on, if the spirit vein is really on it, do you think that expert will let it go? Besides, I heard that the spirit vein is afraid of strangers. Since there are people living there, it will hide far away."

"Oh... that's it, but I still want to go up and have a look."

"I advise you not to be dead. The tall man above doesn't like others to disturb him the most. Otherwise, you think there are so many people here, why no one dares to go up? I heard that some people are not afraid of death and want to grab the tall man As a result, this place full of spiritual power was directly thrown from above by the expert! Although it didn’t kill anyone, but this doesn’t look good on the surface! Also the expert has a good temper, if other people , I know it's to grab the territory, I don't think I'll beat you to death!"

"Ah, that's what you said. Does the expert know about the spirit veins?"

"What do you think? There's a lot of noise about the Lingmai now,

(End of this chapter)

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